TOP > 研究成果の紹介 > 気象研究所職員著作目録(平成11年1月~12月)



A.Original Paper 原著論文(主として学会、または研究機関等の発行する誌上に発表されたもの)

  1. Aoki, Te., Ta. Aoki, M. Fukabori and A. Uchiyama: Numerical simulation of the atmospheric effects on snow albedo with a multiple scattering radiative transfer model for the atmosphere-snow system. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 77, 595-614
  2. Boutin, J. *, J. Etocheto*, Y. Dandonneau*, D. C. E. Bakker*, R. A. Feely*, H. Y. Inoue, M. Ishii, R. D. Ling*, P. D. Nightingale*, N. Metzl*and Wanninkhof*: Satellite sea surface temperature: a useful tool for interpreting insitu pCO measurements in the equatorial Pacific. Tellus, 51B, 490-508
  3. Chandrasekar, A., D. V. Bhaskar Rao and A. Kitoh: Effect of Horizontal Resolution on the Simulation of Asian Summer Monsoons Using the MRI GCM-II. Pap. Met. Geophys. , Vol. 50 No. 2, 65-80
  4. Fujibe, F., K. Saito, D. S. Wratt* and S. G. Bradley*: A numerical study on the diurnal variation of low-level wind in the lee of a two-dimensional mountain. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 77, 827-843
  5. Fujibe, F.: Diurnal variation in the frequency of heavy precipitation in Japan. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 77, 1137-1149
  6. Gras, J. L. *, J. B. Jensen*, K. Okada, M. Ikegami, Y. Zaizen and Y. Makino: Some optical properties of smoke aerosol in Indonesia and tropical Australia. Geophys. Res. Lett. , Vol. 26, No. 10, 1393-1396.
  7. Hirose, K. and E. Tanoue*: Strong organic ligands in marine organisms. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. , 363, 531-533
  8. Hirose, K., H. Amano*, M. S. Baxter*, E. Chaykovskaya*, V. B. Chumichev*, G. H. Hong*, K. Isogai*, C. K. Kim*, S. H. Kim*, T. Miyao, T. Morimoto*, A. Nikitin*, K. Oda*, H. B. L. Pettersson*, P. P. Povinec*, Y. Seto*, A. Tkalin*, O. Togawa*and N. K. Veletova*: Anthropogenic radionuclides in seawater in the East Sea/Japan Sea: Results of the first-stage Japanese-Korean-Russian expedition. J. Environ. Radioactivity, 43, 1-13
  9. Hirota, M. *, K. Miyagawa*, T. Nagai, T. Fujimoto*, Y. Makino, O. Uchino*, K. Akagi*and H. Fast*: ON THE STRATOSPHERIC OZONE LOSS OVER EUREKA STATION IN THE CANADIAN ARCTIC(II)THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 1997/98 AND PREVIOUS YEARS. Polar Meteorology and Glaciology, No. 13, 11-21
  10. Hirota, M., Y. Tsutsumi, Y. Makino, T. Sasaki, Y. Zaizen and M. Ikegami: Variation and Long-Term Trends in Tropospheric Methane(CH) Concentration over Japan Since 1986. Pap. Met. Geophys. , Vol. 49 No. 3. 43-58
  11. Hori, M. *, Te. Aoki, Ta. Aoki, M. Fukabori and A. Uchiyama: Perturbations of solar flux in the Antarctic atmosphere-snow system due to volcanic aerosol and cloud. Polar Met. and Glaciol. , 13, 111-122
  12. Hoshiba, M., Y. Yoshida, A. Katsumata*, K. Maeda and Y. Ishikawa: Source, path, and site effects estimated from S waves observed in suthern Kanto, Japan. Pap. Met. Geophys. , Vol. 49 No. 2. 33-42
  13. Igarashi, Y., M. Aoyama, T. Miyao, K. Hirose and M. Tomita*: Anomalous 90Sr deposition during the fall, 1995 at MRI, Tsukuba, Japan. J. Radioanal. Nusl. Chem. , 239, 539-542
  14. Igarashi, Y., M. Aoyama, T. Miyao, K. Hirose, K. Komura*and M. Yamamoto*: Air concentration of radiocaesium in Tsukuba, Japan following the release from the Tokai waste treatment plant: comparisons of observations with predictions. Appl. Radiation and Isotopes, 50, 1063-1073
  15. Ikeuchi, Y. *, H. Amano*, M. Aoyama, V. I. Berezhnov*, E. Chaykovskaya*, V. B. Chumichev*, C. S. Chung*, J. Gastaud*, K. Hirose, G. H. Hong*, C. K. Kim*, S. H. Kim*, T. Miyao, T. Morimoto*, A. Nikitin*, K. Oda*, H. B. L. Pettersson*, P. P. Povince*, A. Tkalin*, O. Togawa*and N. K. Veletova*: Anthropogenic radionuclides in seawater of the Far Eastern Seas. Sci. Total. Environ. , 237/238, 203-212
  16. Inoue, H. Y., M. Ishii, H. Matsueda, S. Saito, T. Midorikawa*and K. Nemoto*: MRI measurements of partial pressure of CO2 in surface waters of the Pacific during 1968 to 1970: re-evaluation and comparison of data with those of the 1980s and 1990s. Tellus, 51B, 830-848
  17. Imoto, M. *, K. Maeda*and A. Yoshida: Use of Statistical Models to Analyze Periodic Seismicity Observed for Clusters in the Kanto Region, Central Japan. Pure and Appl. Geophys. , 155, 609-624
  18. Ishii, S. *, T. Shibata*, T. Nagai, K. Mizutani*, T. Itabe*, M. Hirota, T. Fujimoto and O. Uchino*: Arctic haze and clouds observed by lidar during four winter seasons of 1993-1997, at Euraka, Canada. Atm. Environ. , Vol. 33, 2459-2470
  19. Ishizaki, H. and T. Motoi: Reevaluation of the Takano-Oonishi scheme for momentum advection on bottom relief in ocean models. J. Atms. Oceanic Tech. , Vol. 16, No. 12, 1994-2010
  20. Iwakura, S. and K. Okada: Dependence of Prevailing Visibility on Relative Humidity at Tokyo International Airport. Pap. Met. Geophys. , Vol. 50 No. 2, 81-90
  21. Joussaume, S. *, K. E. Taylor*, P. Braconnot*, J. F. B. Mitchell*, J. E. Kutzbach*, S. P. Harrison*, I. C. Prentice*, A. J. Broccoli*, A. Abe-Ouchi*, P. J. Bartlein*, C. Bonfils*, B. Dong*, J. Guiot*, K. Herterich*, C. D. Hewitt*, D. Jolly*, J. W. Kim*, A. Kislov*, A. Kitoh, M. F. Loutre*, V. Masson*, B. McAvaney*, N. McFarlane*, N. de Noblet*, W. R. Peltier*, J. Y. Peterschmitt*, D. Pollard*, D. Rind*, J. F. Royer*, M. E. Schlesinger*, J. Syktus*, S. Thompson*, P. Valdes*, G. Vettoretti*, R. S. Webb*and U. Wyputta*: Monsoon changes for 6000 years ago: Results of 18 simulations from the Paleoclimate Modeling Intercomparison Project(PMIP). Geophys. Res. Lett. , Vol. 26, 859-862
  22. Kagiyama, T. *, H. Utada*and T. Yamamoto: Magma ascent beneath Unzen Volcano, SW Japan, deduced from the electrical resistivity structure. J. Volcanology and Geothermal Res. , 89, 35-42
  23. Kanehisa, H.: An unsteady extension of Bernoulli's theorem. Pap. Met. Geophys. , Vol. 49 No. 2. 29-32
  24. Kanehisa, H.: Globally Balanced Equations for a Localized Meso-scale Disturbance Embedded in a Large-scale Flow. Pap. Met. Gepphys. , Vol. 50 No. 2. 91-96
  25. Kashino, Y. *, H. Watanabe*, B. Herunadi*, M. Aoyama and D. Hartoyo*: Current variability at the Pacific entrance of the Indonesian Throughflow. J. Geophys. Res. , Vol. 104, 11, 021-11, 035
  26. Katsumata, A.: Attenuation Function of Displacement Amplitude for Magnitude Calculation. Pap. Met. Geophys. , Vol. 50, No. 1, 1-14
  27. Keckhut, P. *and K. Kodera: Long-term changes of the upper stratosphere as seen by Japanese rocketsondes at Ryori(39°N, 141°E), Ann. Geophysicae, 17, 1210-1217
  28. Kitoh, A., T. Motoi and H. Koide: SST Variability and Its Mechanism in a Coupled Atmosphere-Mixed Layer Ocean Model. J. Climate, Vol. 12. 1221-1239
  29. Kitoh, A., S. Yukimoto and A. Noda: ENSO-monsoon relationship in the MRI coupled GCM. J. Met. Soc. Japan, Vol. 77. No. 6, 1221-1245
  30. Kitoh, A. and O. Arakawa*: On overestimation of tropical precipitation by an atmospheric GCM with prescribed SST. Geophys. Res. Lett. , Vol. 26, 2965-2968
  31. Kobayashi, T., K. Masuda and A. Uchiyama: Enhanced Visible Radience near Cloud in the OCTS Measurements. Atm. and oceanic Optics, 12, 218-221
  32. Kobayashi, T., A. Adachi, T. Nagai and S. Asano: Detection of cirrus clouds with UHF Wind-Profiling Radar. J. Atms. Oceanic Technol. Vol. 16, 298-304.
  33. Kodera, K., H. Koide*and H. Yoshimura: Northern hemisphere winter circulation associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation and stratospheric polar night jet, Geophys. Res. Lett. , 26, 443-446
  34. Koide, H. *and K. Kodera: A SVD analysis between the winter NH 500-hPa height and surface temperature fields, J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan, 77, 47-61
  35. Koga, S. *, I. Nagano*, H. Tanaka*and H. Mouri: Methanesulfonate and Non-Sea-Salt Sulfate Conentrations in Aerosols at Syowa, Antarctica. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 77, 155-164
  36. Koizumi, K.: An Objective Method to Modify Numerical Model Forecasts with Newly Given Weather Data Using an Artificial Neural Network. Weather and Forecasting, Vol. 14, No. 1, 109-118
  37. Koshyk, J. N. *, B. A. Boville*, K. Hamilton*, E. Manzini* and K. Shibata: Kinetic energy spectrum of horizontal motions in middle-atmosphere models. J. Geophys. Res. , Vol. 104, 27, 177-27, 190
  38. Kuroda, Y. and K. Kodera: Role of planetary waves in the stratosphere-troposphere coupled variability in the northern hemisphere winter. Geophys. Res. Lett. , 26, 2375-2378
  39. Li, F. *and K. Okada: Diffusion and modification of marine aerosol particles over the coastal areas in China: A case study using a single particle analysis. J. Atm. Sci. , Vol. 56, 241-248
  40. Masuda, K., M. Sasaki, T. Takashima and H. Ishida*: Use of polarimetric measurements of the sky over the ocean for spectral optical thickners retrievals. J. Atm. Oceanic Technol. , Vol. 16, 846-859
  41. Matsueda, H. and H. Y. Inoue: Aircraft measurements of trace gases between Japan and Singapore in October of 1993, 1996, and 1997. Geophys. Res. Lett. , 26, 2413-2416
  42. Matsueda, H., H. Y. Inoue, M. Ishii and Y. Tsutsumi: Large injection of carbon monoxide into the upper troposphere due to intense biomass burning in 1997. J. Geophys. Res. , Vol. 104, No. D21, 26867-26879
  43. Misumi, Y.: Diurnal Variations of Precipitation Grouped into Cloud Categories around the Japanese Archipelago in the Warm Season, J. Met. Soc. Japan, Vol. 77, No. 2, 615-635
  44. Mori, K., S. Ishigaki*, T. Maehira*, M. Ohya* and H. Takeuchi*: Structure and Evolution of Convection within Typhoon Yancy (T9313) in the Early Developing Stage Observed by the Keifu Maru Radar. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 77, 459-482
  45. Mouri, H., M. Takaoka*and H. Kubotani*: Wavelet identification of vortex tubes in a turbulence velocity field. Phys. Lett. A, 261, 82-88
  46. Mouri, H., H. Kubotani*, T. Fujitani*, H. Niino*and M. Takaoka*: Wavelet analyses of velocities in laboratory isotropic turbulence. J. Fluid Mechanics, 389, 229-254
  47. Mouri, H., I. Nagao*, K. Okada, S. Koga*and H. Tanaka*: Indivisual-particle analyses of coastal Antarctic aerosols. Tellus(Series B), 51, 603-611
  48. Nakajima, T. Y. *, T. Imai*, O. Uchino* and T. Nagai: Influence of daylight and noise current on cloud and aerosol observations by spaceborne elastic scatterng lidar. Applied Optics, Vol. 38, No. 24, 5218-5228
  49. Ogasawara, N. *, A. Kitoh, T. Yasunari*and A. Noda: Tropospheric biennial oscillation of ENSO-monsoon system in the MRI coupled GCM. J. Met. Soc. Japan, Vol. 77, No. 6, 1247-1270
  50. Ose, T.: Asian Summer Monsoon Viewed from Energy Budget. Pap. Met. Geophys. , Vol. 49 No. 3・4. 75-101
  51. Pettersson, H. B. L. *, H. Amano*, V. I. Berezhnov*, E. Chaykovskaya*, V. B. Chumichev*, C. S. Chung*, J. Gastaud*, K. Hirose, G. H. Hong*, C. K. Kim*, S. H. Lee*, T. Morimoto*, A. Nikitin*, K. Oda*, P. P. Povince*, E. Suzuki*, A. Tkalin*, O. Togawa*, N. K. Veletova*, Y. Volkov*and K. Yoshida*: Anthropogenic radionuclides in sediments in the NW Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas: results of the 1994-1995 Japanese-Korean-Russian expeditions. Sci. Total Environ. , 237/238, 213-224
  52. Sakai, T., H. Yamasato and K. Uhira: Long-Period Seismograph Magnitude of Explosion Earthquakes and B-Type Earthquakes at Sakurajima Volcano. Pap. Met. Geophys. , Vol. 49, No. 3・4, 59-74
  53. Satake, K. *and Y. Tanioka: Source of Tsunami and Tsunamigenic Earthquakes in Subduction Zones. Pure Appl. Geophys. , 154, 467-483
  54. Sato, J., H. Sasaki and K. Adachi: Performance and Its Evaluation of the MRI Long Range Transport Model for ATMES-II Phase of ETEX. J. Met. Soc. Japan, Vol. 77, No. 6, 1161-1176
  55. Sato, J., H. Sasaki and T. Satomura: Transport of Sulfur Oxides over the East Asian Region by the Off-line Coupled Meteorological and Transport Model. Pap. Met. Geophys. , Vol. 50 No. 3, 97-111
  56. Sawa, Y., H. Matsueda, Y. Tsutsumi, J. B. Jensen*, H. Y. Inoue and Y. Makino: Tropospheric carbon monoxide and hydrogen measurements over Kalimantan in Indonesia and northern Australia during October, 1997. Geophys. Res. Lett. , 26, 1389-1392
  57. Seko, H., T. Kato, K. Saito, M. Yoshizaki, M. Maki and Menbers of Tsukuba Area Precipitation Studies: Analytical and numerical studies of a quasi-stationary precipitation band observed over the Kanto Area associated with Typhoon 9426(Orchid). J. Met. Soc. Japan, Vol. 77, No. 4, 929-947.
  58. Shibata, K., H. Yoshimura, H. Ohizumi, M. Hosaka and M. Sugi: A Simulation of Troposphere, Stratosphere and Mesosphere With an MRI/JMA98 GCM. Pap. Met. Geophys. , Vol. 50, No. 1, 15-53.
  59. Sohrin, Y*., S. Iwamoto*, M. Matsui*, H. Obata*, E. Nakayama*, K. Suzuki*, N. Handa*and M. Ishii: The distribution of Fe in the Australian sector of the Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Res. I, 47, 55-84
  60. Sperber, K. R. *and Participating AMIP Modelling Groups: Are revised models better models? A skill score assessment of regional interannual variability. Geophys. Res. Lett. , Vol. 26, 1267-1270
  61. Takashima, T., K. Masuda and K. Arai: Measurement of Skylight Polarization with Surface Reflectance over Railroad Valley, Nevada. Pap. Met. Geophys. , Vol. 50 No. 3, 113-124
  62. Tanioka, Y.: Analysis of the far-field tsunamis generated by the 1998 Papua New Guinea earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett. , 26, 3393-3396
  63. Tsutsumi, Y., Y. Sawa, Y. Makino, J. B. Jensen*, J. L. Gras*, B. F. Ryan*, S. Diharto*and H. Harjanto*: Aircraft measurements of ozone, NOx, CO, and aerosol concentrations in biomass burning smoke over Indonesia and Australia in October, 1997: Depleted ozone layer at low altitude over Indonesia. Geophys. Res. Lett. , Vol. 26, 595-598
  64. Uchiyama, A., S. Asano, M. Shiobara and M. Fukabori: Ground-based Cirrus Observation: I. Observation system and Results of Frontal Cirrostratus Clouds on June 22 and 30, 1989. J. Met. Soc. Japan, Vol. 77, 513-532
  65. Uchiyama, A. and M. Fukabori: Ground-based Cirrus Observation: II. Spectral Properties of Cirrostratus Clouds in the 8-12μm. J. Met. Soc. Japan, Vol. 77, 533-552
  66. Yamada Y. and M. Chong*: VAD-based determination of the Nyquist interval number of Doppler velocity aliasing without wind information. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 77, 447-457
  67. 青山道夫・大原利眞*・小村和久*:動燃東海事故による放射性セシウムの関東平野への広がり.科学, 6916-21 浦井稔*・福井敬一・山口靖*David・C. Pieri*ASTERによる火山観測の可能性とグローバル火山観測計 画.火山,44131-141
  68. 北畠尚子・酒井亮太*1994922日の宮城県の局地的な大雨をもたらした擾乱とそれに対する環境の 影響.研究時報,513145
  69. 倉賀野連:全球海洋における淡水量の季節変動について.天気,462113-122
  70. 高島勉・増田一彦:球面大気~海面を考慮した大気上端からの放射輝度推定アルゴリズム.日本リモー トセンシング学会誌,Vol. 19, No. 418-30
  71. 只石彰*・久世宏明*・竹内延夫*・内山明博・浅野正二:マイクロパルスライダーによる雲底高度の長期 連続観測.千葉大学環境科学研究報告,2453-58
  72. 谷岡勇市郎・佐竹健治*:津波記録からみた1946年南海地震のすべり量分布.月刊地球,2421-25
  73. 内藤宏人・吉川澄夫:地殻変動解析支援プログラムMICAP-Gの開発.地震252巻第1101-103
  74. 中村浩二:GPSデータ簡易表示プログラム(SEIS-GPS)の開発.情報地質,VOL. 10, No. 4257-266
  75. 藤部文昭:暖気侵入を伴う”海風”の気候学的特徴-関東地方と十勝-根釧地方について.天気,468501-512
  76. 藤部文昭:日最低・最高気温の統計値における日界変更の影響.天気,4612819-830
  77. 増田一彦・高島勉・佐々木政幸:ADEOS/POLDERの偏光観測データを用いた海洋上エーロゾルの光学的厚 さとオングストローム指数の推定.日本リモートセンシング学会誌,19264-70
  78. 山田崇*・水野量*・山本哲:放射霧の出現予測式を用いた新千歳空港における冬季の霧予測の評価.研 究時報,50359-66

B.Synthetic Paper 総合報告

  1. Geochemical Research Department: Geochemical Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean in 1995 and 1996. 気象研究所技術報告,第37号
  2. 浅野正二:放射ゾンデ.気象研究ノート「気象測器-高層気象観測篇」,19479-89
  3. 石崎廣・四竃信行・吉岡典哉*・石川孝一*・遠藤昌宏*:定置測流による北赤道海流系の長期モニタリン グ.測候時報,66巻特別号81-87
  4. 石崎廣・山中吾郎・石川一郎:高分解能海洋大循環モデルによる亜寒帯循環の再現.月刊海洋,Vol. 31, No. 11736-740
  5. 井上豊志郎・青梨和正:可視赤外放射計による降雨推定.月刊「海洋」,Vol. 31, No. 6335-340
  6. 井上豊志郎:上層雲の解析および雲と放射収支の解析.重点領域研究、衛星計測による大陸規模の水・ 熱エネルギーフローの解明、大気班、最終報告書,平成114月,10-18
  7. 岡田菊夫:エアロゾルゾンデ.気象研究ノート,19491-111
  8. 金久博忠:鉛直2次元非線形問題.気象研究所技術報告,38
  9. 川平浩二*・牧野行雄:オゾンホールの現状と今後.エネルギー・資源,20巻第5451-456
  10. 北村佳照・行本誠史:北太平洋の10年規模の気候変動:レビュー.測候時報,66巻特別号7-12
  11. 小林隆久:要素別測器.気象研究ノート,194243-245
  12. 斉藤和雄:非静力モデルによる予報実験.気象庁技術報告(関東地域メソ解析プロジェクト),120152-174
  13. 四竃信行:中層フロートによる海洋のモニタリング.測候時報,66巻特別号177-181
  14. 四竃信行・寄高博行*・岩尾尊徳:亜寒帯域におけるラグランジュ測流.月刊海洋,Vol. 31, No. 11681-685
  15. 清野直子:冬の局地前線の構造-1994. 12. 9の例-冬の局地前線の構造-1996. 12. 5の例-.気象研究ノ ート,193171-187
  16. 瀬古弘・島田誠一*・中村一・加藤輝之:GPSによる梅雨期メソ降水系の水蒸気3次元分布の推定.月刊 地球,号外25102-107
  17. 瀬古弘・吉崎正憲・楠研一:1995815日に関東地方を通過したスコールライン.気象研究ノート,19367-76
  18. 瀬古弘・加藤輝之・斉藤和雄・吉崎正憲・楠研一・真木雅之*:台風9426号(Orchid)接近時に関東平野で観測された準定常な降雨帯.気象研究ノート,193149-154
  19. 瀬古弘・吉崎正憲・楠研一・立平良三*・大野久雄*1993922日に観測された秋雨前線の関東上空の 風のメソスケール構造.気象研究ノート,193155-162
  20. 忠鉢繁・宮川幸二*:ドブソン分光光度計.気象研究ノート,194207-217
  21. 綱野正明*・関野裕功*・石川孝一*・神谷ひとみ*・金子郁雄:本州東方海域における北太平洋中層水の 展開とP13再観測速報.月刊海洋,Vol. 31, No11. 710-716
  22. 野田彰:地球温暖化を予測する-自然変動と地球温暖化-.PETROTECH222140-143
  23. 花房龍男・佐藤純次:音波を用いた測器:ソーダー.気象研究ノート,194221-227
  24. 増田一彦:偏光放射計.気象研究ノート,194179-181
  25. 馬淵和雄:陸面植生モデル(BAIM)を組み込んだ気候モデルの開発.東京大学「衛星計測による大陸規模 の水・熱エネルギーフローの解明」モデル班最終報告書.36-38
  26. 吉崎正憲・中村一・中村健治*:つくば域降雨観測実験.気象研究ノート,193288pp

C.Book 著書(共著,編著,分担執筆,監修等も含む)

  1. Yukimoto, S.: The Decadal Variability of the Pacific with the MRI Coupled Models. BEYOND EL NINO: Decadal and Interdecadal Climate variability(Ed)A. Navarra, 197-212
  2. 榊原均:台風の観測.第33回夏季大学「台風の理解はどこまで進んだか」テキスト,34-46
  3. 柴田清孝:光の気象学.
  4. 二宮恍三*・山岸米二郎*・新田尚*・青木忠生・桜井邦雄*・白木正規*:気象の用語辞典.
  5. 馬淵和雄:気候モデル用の陸面植生モデル.気象研究ノート,19519-29

D.Technical data 技術資料

  1. 入田央*・山田眞吾*・藤部文昭:特別解析期間の解析,気象庁技術報告.12073-91

E.Translation 翻訳書又は翻訳

  1. Tashkun, S. A. *, V. F. Golovko*, A. A. Chursin*, T. Aoki, M. Fukabori, V. I. Zakharov* and K. G. Gribanov*: Retrieval Algorithm for Atmospheric Constituents Using High-Resolution Spectra of Satellite Interferometer Sounding, SPIE, Vol. 3583, 2-7

F.Educational and commentary paper 解説

  1. 神谷ひとみ*・斉藤一浩*・岩野園城*・高野宏之*・緑川貴*・小川完*・根本和宏*・石井雅男・吉川久幸 :親潮域における二酸化炭素濃度の季節変動.月刊「海洋」(総特集 北太平洋亜寒帯循環),353722-727
  2. 小達恒夫*・石井雅男:南大洋インド洋セクターにおける植物プランクトンの分布と一次生産過程.月刊 「海洋」(総特集 南極海と地球環境),354783-790
  3. 斉藤和雄:気象研究所非静力学ネスティングモデル.気象研究ノート,193269-279
  4. 斉藤和雄:非静力学モデルの分類.気象研究ノート,19619-35
  5. 斉藤和雄:気圧方程式の数値解法と境界条件.気象研究ノート,19645-56
  6. 斉藤和雄・加藤輝之:気象研究所非静力学メソスケールモデル.気象研究ノート,196169-195
  7. 佐藤純次:輸送モデルと欧州トレーサー拡散実験.気象,No. 5094-11
  8. 佐藤康雄:地域(局地)気候モデル.天気,469601-603
  9. 柴田清孝:気候モデルとエアロゾル.エアロゾル研究,Vol. 14, No. 3221
  10. 高島勉・増田一彦・向井苑生*:可視、近赤外域における地球大気~地表面系放射伝達、第一章.日本リモートセンシング学会誌Vol. 19, No. 460-70
  11. 高薮出:日本気象学会1997年度春季大会特別招待講演「雲過程と陸面過程-21世紀への展望-」より3
  12. 温帯低気圧システム中を下降してくる乾燥空気について.天気,462108-111
  13. 広瀬勝己:論文特集にあたって「気候変動と大気エアロゾル」.エアロゾル研究,143208
  14. 深堀正志:各種赤外分光計.気象研究ノート,194183-205
  15. 藤部文昭:台風による強風の実態とメカニズム.今月の農業,43562-67
  16. 村上正隆:雲粒子ゾンデ.気象研究ノート,19463-77
  17. 村上正隆:雲の微物理パラメタリゼーション.気象研究ノート,19657-84
  18. 山内豊太郎:シュリーレン法による気流の可視化.気象,No. 50146-47
  19. 山内豊太郎:四季の源~日差しを測ろう.気象,No. 50246-47
  20. 山内豊太郎:見える見えない~視程の科学~.気象,No. 50346-47
  21. 山内豊太郎:カエルの予報官.気象,No. 50646-47
  22. 山内豊太郎:タンポポ風向計で風を測ろう.気象,No. 51244-45
  23. 吉崎正憲:メソ対流系(I).天気,46783-790
  24. 吉崎正憲:メソ対流系(II).天気,46833-841
  25. 吉崎正憲・加藤輝之:回転台を用いた渦の実験.気象,No. 51145-47
  26. 吉崎正憲・田中恵信・加藤輝之・瀬古弘・高山大・藤吉康志*X-BAIU-98観測グループ:九州における集中豪雨観測とTRMM.月刊「海洋」(総特集 熱帯降雨観測衛星),348376-382
  27. 吉崎正憲:地形に沿う座標系における支配方程式.気象研究ノート,19637-43

G.Other paper その他の論説

  1. Eito, H., M. Yoshizaki, T. Kato, K. Saito and Y. Mano: 3-D Numerical experiments of marine stratocumulus obserbed around Japan islands in winter. CAS/JSC WGNE Research Activities in Atmospheric and OceanicModelling, 28, 5. 21-5. 22
  2. Kitoh, A., H. Koide, T. Motoi, S. Yukimoto and A. Noda: A simulation study of the last glacial maximum with a coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM. CGER's supercomputer activity report, Vol. 6, 29-32
  3. Murata, A., K. Saito and M. Ueno: Preliminary results of a forecast experiment for the Typhoon Flo(1990)using the MRI Mesoscale Nonhydrostatic Model. CAS/JSC WGNE Research Activities in Atmos. and Oceanic Modelling, No. 28(WMO/TD-No. 942), 5. 36-5. 37
  4. Saito, K., K. Yamada*and T. Tsuyuki*: Forecast Experiment of a Heavy Rain Event of KAMEX with the MRI Mesoscale Nonhydrostatic Model. CAS/JSC WGNE Res. Activities in Atms. and Oceanic Modelling. No. 28, 1. 31-1. 32
  5. Seino, N. and K. Saito: A Numerical Study of the Local Front in the Kanto Region, Japan. CAS/JSC WGNE Res. Activities in Atm. and Oceanic Modeling, No. 28, 5. 50-5. 51
  6. Ueno, M: Evaluation of tropical cyclone bogus data used in the JMA data assimilation system and development of a new bogussing scheme. CAS/JSC WGNE Res. Activities in Atm. and Oceanic Modeling, No. 28, 1. 42-1. 43
  7. 斉藤和雄:海洋性大陸上の日変化性対流雲の数値シミュレーション.天気,46245-246
  8. 藤部文昭・北畠尚子・野村和典*・山本善弘*:台風9807号の強風による奈良県中部の森林被害.天気, 467445-446
  9. 山岸米二郎*・室井ちあし*・保坂征宏:最先端並列計算機における次世代気候モデル開発に係わるワー
  10. クショップ報告,天気,46巻第11763-768
  11. 山本哲・大河内博*:第1回霧と霧水捕集に関する国際会議参加報告.天気,46巻第6377-383
  12. 吉村純:地球が温暖化すると台風の発生数はどうなる?-高分解能気候モデルを用いたシミュレーショ ン-Sci. &Technonews TsukubaNo. 5075-77
  13. Z.Writing Associated with oral presentation(to be cited by other researchers as a contribution, but excluding in principle such simple one as included in some preprint volume for the meeting of a scientific Society) 口頭(講演)発表に伴う著作;学会、国内外の会合等で行われた口頭(講演)発表にともなって作成された著作で、他の研究者の引用により研究の増進に貢献すると思われるもの。但し、原則として学会発表会における講演要旨集のような簡易なものは除く。
  14. Haginoya, S. and H. Naoe: Surface Heat Balance Observation in the Western Tibet. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on GAME-Tibet Xi'an China 11-13 Jan. 1999. , No. 15, 87-90
  15. Hoshiba, M.: Random Media. The Effect of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, 1557-1558
  16. Inoue, T.: Day-night difference of cirrus clouds optical properties observed from split window and 6. 7μm data. Preprints of 10th conference on atmospheric radiation, 28 June-25 July 1999, Madison, Wisconsin, 89-90, American Meteorological Society.
  17. Kitoh, A. and O. Arakawa*: Effect of air-sea interaction on the simulated tropical climate -a comparison between AGCM and CGCM-. Preprints of 10th Symposium on Global Chenge Studies, 10-15 January 1999, Dallas, Texas, 403-406
  18. Kusunoki, K. and T. Matsumura*: Clear-Air Radar Echoes in Boundary Layers: The origin and the Climatology in Japan. Preprints of 13th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Vol. 13
  19. Kusunoki, K., H. Eito and K. Akaeda*: A case study of internal gravity waves in the boundary layer using doppler radar and acars. Preprints of 13th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Vol. 13
  20. Matsumoto, J. *, X. Shen*, A. Numaguchi*, H. Ueda and K. Kato*: Climatological study on the seasonal changes of Asian summer monsoon and anomalous 1998 monsoon. Proceedings of '99 workshop on GAME-Tropics in Thailand
  21. Matsumoto, J. *, X. Shen*, A. Numaguchi*, H. Ueda and K. Kato*: Large-scale features during the game
  22. IOP after the largest El Nino in this century. Proceedings of Asian Pacific FRIEND and GAME joint workshop on ENSO, floods and drought in the 1990's in Southeast Asia and Pacific
  23. Mori, K., S. Ishigaki*, T. Maehira*, M. Ohya*and H. Takeuchi*: Structure and Evolution of Convection within Typhoon Yancy(T9313)in the early Developing Stage Observed by the Keifu Maru Radar. Preprints of 23rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 451-454
  24. Muroi, C. *, K. Saito, T. Kato and H. Eito: Development of the MRI/NPD nonhydrostatic model. Proceedings of Workshop on Mesoscale Numerical Prediction and its Applications, 83-86
  25. Naoe, H. and S. Haginoya: Turbulent transport of momentum in the convective boundary layer derived from large eddy simulation. Preprints of 13th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Vol. 13
  26. Noda, A., K. Yoshimatsu, A. Kitoh and H. Koide: Relationship between natural variability and CO-induced warming pattern: MRI coupled atmosphere/Mixed-layer ocean(slab)GCM Experiment. Preprint. 10th Symposium on Global Change Studies, 355-358
  27. Noda, A., K. Yoshimatsu, S. Yukimoto, K. Yamaguchi and S. Yamaki: Relationship between natural variability and CO-induced warming pattern: MRI AOGCM Experiment. Preprint. 10th Symposium on Global Change Studies, 359-362
  28. Obata, A.: Response of MRI ocean biogeochemical circulation model to anthropogenic CO. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium CO in the Oceans, 559-566
  29. Saito, K.: The MRI mesoscale nonhydrostatic model-overview and projects-. Proceedings of Workshop on Mesoscale Numerical Prediction and its Applications, 1-4
  30. Saito, K.: Development of nonhydrostatic atmospheric model at MRI. Extended Abstracts, International Workshop on Next Generation Climate Models for Advanced High Performance Computing Facilities, 65-68
  31. Satake, K. *and Y. Tanioka: Coseismic Slip Distribution of the 1946 Nankai Earthquake and Earthquake Recurrence in the Nankai Trough. Proceedings for workshop on the recurrence of great interplate earthquake and its mechanism, 97-104
  32. Takashima, T. and K. Masuda: Evaluation of the effect of spherical atmosphere on satellite data. SPIE, 3759, 59-70
  33. Takahashi, K.: Data management, archive and dissemination in GAME project. Preprints Volume of Third International Scientific conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, 453
  34. Takano, I.: An explosive winter extratropical cyclone over the Kuroshio Current: Analysis and model simulation. Preprints of 17th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Vol. 17, 85-89
  35. Tsutsumi, Y.: Tropospheric ozone measurement at the summit of Mt. Fuji and the seasonal variation. Proceedings of international Symposium on Tropospheric Ozone in East Asia and Its Potentail Impacts on Vegitation, 9-12
  36. Ueda, H: Role of air/sea/land interaction in the enhancement of Asian summer monsoon. Proceedings of the seventh Japan-U. S. workshop on the global change, 7, 66-67
  37. Ueda, H. and J. Matsumoto*: Anomalous seasonal evolution over the Indian Ocean and its impact on the Asian monsoon during the GAME IOP. GAME Publication, 12, 529-540
  38. Urai, M. *, K. Fukui, Y. Yamaguchi*and D. C. Pieri*: Global volcano monitoring plan with ASTER. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Applied Geologic Remote Sensing, II78-II83
  39. Yamanaka, G. * and H. Ishizaki: Development of high-resolution global ocean model at MRI. Extended Abstracts, International Workshop on Next Generation Climate Models for Advanced High Performance Computing Facilities, 57-64
  40. Yoshikawa, T. *, S. Kurita, Y. Muraji*: Numerical Computation of Transfer, Diffusion and Deposition for Particle Pollutants in Winter Convective Clouds, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Atmospheric Science and Its Applications to Air Quality, 551-567
  41. Yoshimura, J., M. Sugi and A. Noda: Influence of Greenhouse Warming on Tropical Cyclone Frequency Simulated by a High-Resolution AGCM. Preprints of 23rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Vol. II, 1081-1084
  42. 五十嵐康人・青山道夫・宮尾孝・広瀬勝己:降水・降下塵中の90Srおよび137Csの観測データとその環境 挙動研究への利用.JAERI-Conf 99-001 クロスオーバー研究シンポジウム「放射性物質の環境移行研 究の新たな展開」報告集,24-34
  43. 楠研一:浮遊性昆虫群を利用した晴天大気モニター技術の開発,蚕糸・昆虫農業技術研究所研究資料,
  44. 25号,79-83
  45. 堤之智・澤庸介・松枝秀和・井上久幸・牧野行雄:1997年のバイオマスバーニング時の高濃度COに関し て、大気への影響についてのゼロ次元光化学モデルによる評価.第9回大気化学シンポジウム研究集会 講演集,224-227
  46. 深堀正志:光吸収過程の理論と実際.「地球・大気計の放射家庭とリモートセンシングに関するセミナ ー」講演集,13-46
  47. 深堀正志・青木忠生・青木輝夫・石田英之*・渡辺猛*CO22. 0μm帯及びCOの(3-0)帯における吸収 線パラメータの測定.第9回大気化学シンポジウム研究集会講演集,274-277
  48. 深堀正志・青木忠生・青木輝夫・石田英之*・渡辺猛*COの第一倍音帯の低温下における吸収線パラメ ータの測定.リモートセンシングにおける分光学的基礎,24-28
  49. 宮尾孝・青山道夫・広瀬勝己・五十嵐康人:放射性核種から見た日本海の循環.海と空,74巻第4,172-177.

Supplement for 1998 (追録1998年)

  1. C.Book 著書(共著,編著,分担執筆,監修等も含む)
  2. 村上正隆:「雲」他40項目.気象科学事典,「雪」514-51640ヶ所.
  3. 村上正隆:雲と降水.新教養の気象学.47-60
  4. Z.Writing Associated with oral presentation(to be cited by other researchers as a contribution, but excluding in principle such simple one as included in some preprint volume for the meeting of a scientific Society) 口頭(講演)発表に伴う著作;学会、国内外の会合等で行われた口頭(講演)発表にともなって作成された著作で、他の研究者の引用により研究の増進に貢献すると思われるもの。但し、原則として学会発表会における講演要旨集のような簡易なものは除く。
  5. Asano, S. and JACCS Aircraft Observation Team: Airborne Cloud-Radiation Experiment for Winter -time Stratocumulus in the Japanese cloud-climate Study Program. Proceedings of 8th Atmospheric Radiation Measurement(ARM)Science Team Meeting, 35-38
  6. Inoue, T.: Air-sea interactions over the Arabian sea during Indian summer monsoon. Preprints of ninth conference on interaction of the sea and atmosphere, 11-16 January 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 185-186, American Meteorological Society
  7. Inoue, T.: Assessment of ERBE clear scene ID by using the collocated AVHRR data. Proceedings of International Symposium on The Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Data and Its Application to Global Environment, 21-23 January 1998, Chiba, Japan, 132-139. Center for Environmental Remote Sensing/Chiba University
  8. Inoue, T.: Cloud information from VIRS and rain information from PR/TMI. Proceedinga of Symposium on the Precipitation Observation from Non-Sun Synchronous Orbit, 14-16 December
  9. 1998, Nagoya, Japan, 133-138, IHAS Nagoya University and ESTO
  10. Kawata, Y. *, T. Izumiya* and A. Yamazaki: The Preliminary Analysis Results of ADEOS/POLDER and /OCTS Data. Proceedings of "The 4th Pacific Ocean Remote Sensing Conference", Qingdao, China, July28-31, 1998, 1, 110-114
  11. Kitoh, A., T. Ose, S. Kusunoki and M. Hosaka: Improvement of an atmospheric general circulation model using 3-dimensional tropical heat source estimated by TRMM data. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Precipitaion Observation from Non-Sun Synchronous Orbit, 14-16 December 1998, Nagoya, Japan, 187-192
  12. Saito, K.: Forecast experiment of the 6 August 1993 Kagoshima torrential rain -Semi-implicit fully compressible version of the MRI mesoscale nonhydrostatic model-. Extended Pap. Int. Symposium Meso-scale Water Cycle and Hevcy Rainfall in East Asia, 75-78
  13. Shikama, N., K. Ishikawa*and S. Wakaki*: Subsurface Circulation Measured with ALACE Floats in the Westernmost Subtropical Region of the North Pacific. Proceedings of Japan-China Joint Symposium on Cooperative Study of Subtropical Circulation System, 63-74
  14. 楠研一・松村雄*:大気プランクトンを気象レーダーでとらえる.大気生物の拡散問題の現状と展望,51-62
  15. 栗田進・栗原和夫*:放射性核種の地表面への沈着、付着と再移動に関する研究.JAERI-Conf99-001,ク ロスオーバー研究シンポジウム「放射性物質の環境移行研究の新たな展開」報告集,135-150
  16. 栗田進:粒子状物質の大気中への再飛散と粒子層の相対湿度、沙漠研究.vol. 8, 197-198
  17. 高橋清利:GAME Archive and Information Network(GAIM), 1998年度GAME研究成果報告,67-68

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