Job title Senior Researcher/The 1st lab./Department of Typhoon and Severe Weather Research
E-mail kitsujinosato
Personal https://researchmap.jp/satoki?lang=en
Expertise Tropical cyclone, Mesoscale meteorology, Convection, Vortex dynamics
Degree Ph.D (Sci.)
  • Outstanding Reviewer Award (Geophysical Research Letters), American Geophysical Union, 2023
  • Outstanding Student Presentation Award, Numerical Experiments for Concentric Eyewalls of Typhoon Bolaven (2012), Japan Geoscience Union, 2013
  • Outstanding Student Presentation Award, Propagation characteristics for vortex Rossby waves in the inner core region of an idealized tropical cyclone, Japan Geoscience Union, 2012
Committee member
  • Editor: Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, The Meteorological Society of Japan
  • Editor: Bulletin "Nagare", The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics
  • Committee member of Candidate recommendation of Matsuno Award: The Meteorological Society of Japan
Publications Peer-reviewed papers (first author) All of my works are summarized in My website.