TOP > 研究成果の紹介 > 気象研究所職員著作目録(平成12年1月~12月)



A.Original Paper 原著論文(主として学会、または研究機関等の発行する誌上に発表されたもの)

  1. Asano, A.*, A. Uchiyama, Y. Mano, M. Murakami and Y. Takayama: No evidence for solar absorption anomaly by marine water clouds through collocated aircraft radiation measurements. J. Geophys. Res. , Vol. 105, No. D11, 14761-14775.
  2. Aoki, Te., Ta. Aoki, M. Fukabori, A. Hachikubo*, Y. Tachibana* and F. Nishio*: Ettects of snow physical parameters on spectral albedo and bidirectional reflectance of snow surface. J. Geophys. Res. , 105, 10, 219-10, 236.
  3. Aoyama, M., K. Hirose, T. Miyao and Y. Igarashi: Low level 137Cs measurements in deep seawater samples. Applied Radiation and 1stopes, 53, 159-162.
  4. Fujita, E.*, Y. Fukao* and K. Kanjo: Strain offsets with monotonous damped oscillations during the 1986 Izu-Oshima volcano eruption. J. Geophys. Res. , Vol. 105, B1, 443-462.
  5. Fukabori, M., D. Aoki, T. Aoki, H. Ishida* and T. Watanabe*: Line paramennter measurements of trace gases in the near infrared region. Adv. Space Res. , Vol. 25 No. 5, 985-988.
  6. Georgelin, M*., P. Bougeault*, T. Black*, N. Brzovic*, A. Buzzi*, J. Calvo*, V. Casse*, M. Desgagne*, R. El-khatib*, J. F. Geleyn*, T. Holt*, S. Y. Hong*, T. Kato, J. Katzfey*, K. Kurihara*, B. Lacroix*, F. Lalaurette*, Y. Lemaitre*, J. Mailhot*, D. Majewski*, P. Malguzzi*, V, Masson*, J. Mcgreor*, E. Minguzzi*, T. Paccagnella* and C. Wilson*: The second CONPARE exercise: A model intercomparison using acase of a typicalmesoscale orographic flow, the PYREX IOP3. Quarterly Journal of the royalMeteorological Society, 126, 991-1029.
  7. Hirano, Y.*, T. Yanagisawa*, S. Ueno*, T. Tajime*, O. Uchino*, T. Nagai and C. Nagasawa*: All-Solid-State High-Power Conduction-Cooled Nd: YLF Rod Laser. Opt. Lett. , Vol. 25 No. 16, 1168-1170.
  8. Hirose, K.: Dry and Wet Deposition Behaviors of Thorium Isotopes. Journal of Aerosol Research, Japan, 15, 256-263.
  9. Hoshiba, M.: Large fluctuation of wave amplitude produced by small fluctuation of velocity structure. Physics of the earth planetary interiors, Vol. 120, No. 3, 201-217.
  10. Igarashi, Y., T. Miyao, M. Aoyama, K. Hirose, H. Sartorius* and W. Weiss*: Radioactive Noble Gases in the Surface Air Monitored at MRI, Tsukuba, before and after the JCO Accident. J. Environ. Radioactivity, 50, 107-118.
  11. Inoue, T.: Early results on comparison between cloud information by VIRS and rain information by PR/TMI. Adv. Space Res. , 25, 977-980
  12. Inoue, T. and K. Aonashi: A comparison of cloud and rainfall information from instantaneous visible and infrared scanner and precipitation radar observations over a frontal zone in east Asia during June 1998. J. Appl. Meteor. , 39, 2292-2301.
  13. Ito, H., H. Kuroki, K. Nakamura and A. Yoshida: Earthquake cycle - an example of nonlinear dynamicsof defects in continua. Trends in Statistical Phys. , Vol. 3, 75-86.
  14. Kanehisa, H.: A Formula for Vertical Flux of Horizontal Momentum Generated by Topography. Pap. Met. Geophys. , Vol. 50, 125-130.
  15. Kanehisa, H.: A Formula of Ekman Pumping for a Meso-scale Straining Flow. Pap. Met. Geophys. , Vol. 50, 131-137.
  16. Kaneyasu, N., K. Takeuchi, M. Hayashi, S. Fujita, I. Uno and H. Sasaki: Outflow pattern of pollutants from East Asia to the North Pacific in the winter monsoon. J. Geophys. Res. 105巻, 361-377.
  17. Katsumata, A.: Seismic moment estimation of small earthquakes by waveform fitting. Pap. Met. Geophys. , Vol. 51, 1-15.
  18. Kitoh, A., H. Koide and S. Murakami: A coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM experiment for 21 kyr BP at MRI. Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project(PMIP), Proceeding of the third PMIP Workshop, La Huardiere, Canada, 4-8 October 1999, WMO/TD-No. 1007, 261-264.
  19. Kobayashi, C*., K. Takano*, S. Kusunoki, M. Sugi and A. Kitoh: Seasonal predictability in winter over eastem Asia using JMA global model. Quart. J. R. Met. Soc. , Vol. 126, 2111-2123.
  20. Kobayashi, T., K. Masuda, M. Sasaki* and J. Muelleur*: Monte Carlo simulations of enhanced visible radiance in clear-air satellite fields of view near clouds. J. Geophys. Res. , Vol. 105 No. D21, 26569-26576.
  21. Kodera, K. and Y. Kuroda: Tropospheric aspects of the Arctic Oscillation. Geophys. Res. Lett. , 27, 3349-3352.
  22. Kodera, K. and Y. Kuroda: A mechanistic model study of slowly propagating coupled stratosphere-troposphere variability. J. Geophys. Res. , 105, 12, 361-12, 370.
  23. Kodera, K., Y. Kuroda and S. Pawson*: Stratospheric sudden warmings and slowly propagating zonal-mean zonal wind anomalies. J. Geophys. Res. , 105, 12, 351-12, 359.
  24. Komura, K.*, M. Yamamoto*, T. Muroyama*, Y. Murata*, T. Nakanishi*, M. Hoshi*, J. Takada*, M. Ishikawa*, K. Kitagawa*, S. Suga*, A. Endo*, N. Tozaki*, T. Mitsugashira*, M. Hara*, T. Hashimoto*, M. Takano*, Y. Yanagawa*, T. Tsuboi*, M. Ichimasa*, Y. Ichimasa*, H. Imura*, E. Sasajima*, R. Seki*, Y. Saito*, M. Kondo*, S. Kojima*, Y. Muramatsu*, S. Yoshida*, S. Shibata*, H. Yonehara*, Y. Watanabe*, S. Kimura*, K. Shiraishi*, T. Bannai*, S. K. Sahoo*, Y. Igarashi, M. Aoyama, K. Hirose, M. Uehiro*, T. Doi* and T. Matsuzawa*: The JCO criticality accident at Tokai-mura, Japan: an overview at the sanpling campaign and preminary results. J. Environ. Radioactivity, 50, 3-14.
  25. K ö rtzinger, A*., L. Mintrop*, D. R. Wallace*, K. Johnson*, C. Neill*, B. Tilbrook*, P. Towler*, H. Y. Inoue, M. Ishii, G. Shaffer*, R. Torres Saavedra*, E. Ohtaki*, A, Poisson*, C. Brunet*, B. Schauer*, C. Goyet*, G. Eischeid*: The international at-sea intercomparison of fCO systems during the R/V MeteorCruise 36/1 in the North Atlantic Ocean. Mar. Chem. , 72, 171-192.
  26. Kuragano, T. and M. Kamachi: Global statistical space-time scales of oceanic variability estimated from the TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 955-974.
  27. Kusunoki, K., H. Eito and K. Akaeda: A case study of low-level internal gravity waves using Dopp-ler rader and ACARS. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 78, 511-525.
  28. Mabuchi, K., Y. Sato, H. Kida*: Numerical study of the relationships between climate and the carbon dioxide cycle on a regional scale. J. Met. Soc. Japan, Vol. 78 No. 1, 25-46.
  29. Maeda, S., C. Kobayashi*, K. Takano* and T. Tsuyuki*: Relationship between singular modes of blocking flow and high-frequency eddies. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 78, 631-646.
  30. Mano, Y.: Exact solution of electromagnetic scattering by a three-dimensional hexagonal ice column obtained with the boundary-element method. Appl. Opt. , Vol. 39, No. 30, 5541-5546.
  31. Masuda, K., T. Kobayashi, E. Rarchke*, F. Albers*, W. Koch*, U. Maixner*: Short-wave radiation Flux diver-gence in arctic cirrus: a case study. Atm. Res. , 第53巻の4, 251-267.
  32. Masuda, K., T. Takasima*, Y. Kawata*, A. Yamazaki and M. Sasaki*: Retrieval of aerosol optical properties over the ocean using multispectral polarization measurements from space. Applied
  33. Mathematics and Computation, 116巻, 103-114.
  34. Matsumoto, J. * and K. Takahashi: Regional Differences of Daily Rainfall Characteristics in East Asian Summer Monsoon Season. Geographical Review of Japan, 72(Ser. B), 193-201.
  35. Miyao, T., K. Hirose, M. Aoyama and Y. Igarashi:Trace of the recent deep water formation in the Japan Sea deduced from histrical Cs data. Geophys. Res. Lett. , 27, 3731-3734.
  36. Miyata, Y*., T. Tokieda, H. Amakawa*, M. Uematsu* and Y. Nozaki*: Born isotope variation in the atmosphere. Tellus, 52, 1057-1065.
  37. Mouri, H., A. Hori*, Y. Kawashima*: Vortex tubes in velocity fields of laboratory isotropic turbul-ence. Physics Letters, A276, 115-121.
  38. Murata, A. and M. Ueno: The effects of different cumulus parameterization schemes on the intensity forecast of typhoon Flo(1990). J. Met. Soc. Japan, Vol. 78 No. 6, 819-833.
  39. Niu, F.*, H. Inoue*, D. Suetsugu* and K. Kanjo: Seismic evidence for a thinner mantle transition zone beneath the South Pacific Superwell. Geophys. Res. Lett. , Vol. 27, No. 13, 1981-1984.
  40. Ose, T.: A Biennially Oscillating Sea Surface Temperature and the Western Pacific Pattern. J. Met. Soc. Japan, Vol. 78, 93-99.
  41. Pawson, S.*, K. Kodera, K. Hamilton*, T. G. Shepherd*, S. R. Beagley*, B. A. Boville*, J. D. Farrara*, T. D. A. Fairlie*, A. Kitoh, W. A. Lahoz*, U. Langematz*, E. Manzini*, D. H. Rind*, A. A. Scaife*, K. Shibata, P. Simon*, R. Swinbank*, L. Takacs*, R. J. Wilson*, J. A. Al-Saadi*, M. Amodei*, M. Chiba, L. Coy*, J. de Grandpre*, R. S. Eckman*, M. Fiorino*, W. L. Grose*, H. Koide*, J. N. Koshyk*, D. Li*, J. Lerner*, J. D. Mahlman*, N. A. McFarlane*, C. R. Mechoso*, A. Molod*, A. O'Neill*, R. B. Pierce*, W. J. Randel*, R. B. Rood* and F. Wu*: The GCM-Reality Intercomparison Project for SPARC(GRIPS): Scientific issues and initial results. Bull. American. Met. Soc. , 81, 781-796.
  42. Redelsperger, J. L.*, P. Brown*, F. Guichard*, C. Hoff*, M. Kawashima*, S. Lang*, T. Montmerle*, K. Nakamura*, K. Saito, C. Seman* and W. K. Tao*: A GCSS model intercomparison for a tropical squall line obse-rved during TOGA-COARE. I: Cloud-Resolving Models. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorolog-ical Society, 126, 823-863.
  43. Sasaki, H., Y. Sato, K. Adachi and H. Kida*: Performance and evaluation of the MRI regional climate model with the spectral boundary coupling method. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 78, 477-489.
  44. Sasaki, M*., K. Masuda, T. Takashima* and H. Ishida*: Aerosol optical properties derived from the multi-spectral polarimeter measuremant during the Nauru99 experiment. 海と空, 76巻2号, 27-33.
  45. Seko, H., S. Shimada*, H. Nakamura and T. Kato: Three-dimensional distribution of water vapor esti-mated from tropospheric delay of GPS data in a mesoscale precipitation system of the Baiu front. Earth Planets Space, 52, 927-933.
  46. Shiraishi, K.*, S. Kimura*, H. Yonehara*, J. Takada*, M. Ishikawa*, Y. Igarashi, M. Aoyama, K. Komura* and T. Nakajima*:Survey of external dose around the JCO facility using suger samples and ESR method. Ado. ESR Appl, 16, 9-14.
  47. Shoji, Y., H. Nakamura, K. Aonashi, A. Ichiki, H. Seko and Members of GPS/MET Japan Summer Campaign 1997 in Tsukuba: Semi-diurnal and diurnal variation of errors in GPS precipitable water vapor at Tsukuba, Japan caused by site displacement due to ocean tidal loading. Earth Planets Space, 52, 685-690.
  48. Sugioka, H.*, Y. Fukao*, T. Kanazawa* and K. Kanjo: Volcanic events associated with an enigmatic submarine earthquake. Geophys. J. International, Vol. 142, 361-370.
  49. Takayabu, I., M. D. Yamanaka* and S. Fukao*: A mechanism for the reversal of long-term average vertical velocities around East Asia during the cold season. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 78, 13-23.
  50. Tsutsumi, Y. and H. Matsueda: Relationship of ozone and CO at the summit of Mt. Fuji in summer 1997. Atm. Environ. , 34-4, 553-561.
  51. Tanioka, Y.: Numerical simulation of far-field tsunamis using the linear Boussinesq equation -The 1998 Papua New Guinea Tsunami-. Pap. Met. Geophys. , Vol. 51, 17-25.
  52. Tanioka, Y.: Generation of tsunamis in the Okhotsk Sea caused by the 1994 Kuril earthquake. Pure and applied geophysics, 157, 977-988.
  53. Takashima, T*. and K. Masuda: Atmospheric correction for the satellite visible data over hetero-geneous surfaces. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 116巻, 181-196.
  54. Uboldi, F*. and M. Kamachi: Time-space Weak-constraint data assimilation for nonlinear models. Tellus, 52A, 412-421.
  55. Ueda, H. and J. Matsumoto*: A Possible Triggering Process of East-West Asymmetric Anomalies over the Indian Ocean in relation to 1997/98 El Ni ñ o. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 78, 803-818.
  56. Yasui, M.*, K. Tsuchiya*, K. Kai*, T. Uehara*, T. Ootomo*, T. Nagai, K. Mizutani*, J. Miyamoto*, A. Itou*, M. Nakazato and A. Ichiki: Observational and Analytical Studies on the Mechanism of the Long Range Transport of Aerosol Dust. J. of Arid Land Studies, Vol. 10 No. 3, 238-245.
  57. Yoshizaki, M., T. Kato, Y. Tanaka, H. Takayama, Y. Shoji, H. Seko, K. Arao*, K. Manabe* and Members of X-BAIU-98 Observation: Analytical and numerical study of the 26 June 1998 orographic rainband observed in western Kyushu, Japan. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 78, 835-856.
  58. Yukimoto, S., M. Endoh*, Y. Kitamura, A. Kitoh, T. Motoi*, and A. Noda: ENSO-like interdecadal variabili-ty in the pacific Ocean as simulated in a coupled general circulation model. J. Geophys. Res. , Vol. 105, 13, 945-13, 963.
  59. Zhu, J*. and M. Kamachi: An adaptive variational method for data assimilation with imperfect models. Tellus, 52A, 265-279.
  60. Zhu, J*. and M. Kamachi: The role of time step size in numerical stability of tangent linear models. Mon. Wea. Rev. , Vol. 128 No. 5, 1562-1572.
  61. 河野健*・高槻靖*・青山道夫:最近のIAPSO標準海水の比較について. 海洋調査技術, 12(2), 49-55.
  62. 北畠尚子:下層のdryline的前線と上空の前線の結合としての中国大陸上の梅雨前線. 天気, Vol. 47, 557-567.
  63. 北畠尚子:日本海で閉塞した低気圧の構造と変化. 天気, Vol. 47, 357-370.
  64. 高槻靖*・石川孝一*・金子郁雄・中川拓朗*:メッセンジャーフロートを用いた水没式係累ブイの開発. 海の研究, 第9巻第5号, 249-263.
  65. 高島勉*・増田一彦・新井康平*・土田聡*:偏光分光放射計及びサンフォトメータ複合利用による米国砂漠における大気エーロゾルの光学的特徴の観測. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 20巻3号, 47-60.
  66. 塚堀利光*・細野耕司*・若山晶彦*・吉川一光*・伊藤秀美・吉田明夫:全雲活動確率予測の実践. 験震時報, Vol. 63 No. 3-4, 49-74.
  67. 藤部文昭:日最低・最高気温の階級別日数(冬日・熱帯夜など)における日界変更の影響. 天気, 47巻4号, 245-253.
  68. 増田一彦・山崎明宏・佐々木政幸*・高島 勉*・石田廣史*:直達光観測とADEOS/POLDERの偏光観測から推定した海洋上エーロゾルの光学的厚さとオングストローム指数の比較. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 20巻2号, 53-59.
  69. 山本哲:日本における濃霧による視程不良害発生の気候学的特徴. 自然災害科学, 19巻1号, 99-100.
  70. 山本哲・小山田一夫*:会津盆地における局地的濃霧の発生-1998年12月1日の例-. 研究時報, 52巻1号, 17-30.

B. Synthetic Paper 総合報告

  1. 石井雅男・吉川久幸・松枝秀和:電量滴定法による海水中の全炭酸濃度の高精度分析および大気中の二酸化炭素と海水中の全炭酸の放射性炭素同位体比の測定. 気象研究所技術報告, 第41号.
  2. 上野充:数値モデルによる台風予報. 気象研究ノート, 第197号, 131-286.
  3. 大滝壽樹*・神定健二・金嶋聡*・西村太志*・石原靖*・吉田康宏・原田智史・神谷真一郎*・Sunarjo*:インドネシアにおける広帯域地震観測網JISNET. 地質調査所月報, 第51巻第5号, 189-203.
  4. 楠昌司・馬淵和雄・鬼頭昭雄・野田彰・高橋正明*:第4回全球気候変化と気候変動のモデル化に関する国際会議に参加して. 天気, Vol. 47 No. 2, 109-113
  5. 後藤和彦*・吉田明夫:庵美大島近海地震群. 地震予知連絡会30年のあゆみ, 310-317.
  6. 榊原均:気象レーダーによる台風の観測と解析. 気象研究ノート, 第197号, 77-130.
  7. 地震火山研究部:南関東地域における応力場と地震活動予測に関する研究. 気象研究所技術報告, 第40号.
  8. 村上正隆:人工降雪による水資源確保の可能性について. 気象, 514, 4-10.
  9. 吉田明夫:1990年代の全国の地震活動状況. 地震予知連絡会30年のあゆみ, 121-148.
  10. 吉田明夫・吉村好光*:東海地方の地殻活動. 地震予知連絡会30年のあゆみ, 221-242.
  11. 予報研究部:客観的予報技術の研究. 気象研究所技術報告, 第39号.

C. Book 著書(共著, 編著, 分担執筆, 監修等も含む)

  1. Hirose, K.: Strong Organic Ligands in Seawater: Peculiar Functional Groups in Oceanic Organic Marrer-Synthesis. Dynamics and Characterization of Marine Organic Matter, 339-382.
  2. Inoue, H. Y.: CO2 exchange between the Atmosphere and the Ocean: Carbon Cycle Studies of the Meteorological Research Institute since 1968. Dynamics and Characterization of Marine Organic Matter, 509-531.
  3. Matsueda, H., H. Y. Inoue, I. Asanuma*, M. Aoyama, M. Ishii: Carbon monoxide and methane in surface seawater of the tropical Ocean. Dynamics and Characterization of Marine Organic matter, 485-508.
  4. 植田宏昭:異常気象. ナツメ社, 1-225.
  5. 高藪出:温帯低気圧の力学. 気象研究ノート, 198号, 1-154.
  6. 山本哲:2. 2気象庁の観測網. 身近な気象・気候調査の基礎, 147-160.

D. Technical data 技術資料

  1. 鬼頭昭雄:季節予報モデル相互比較実験(SMIP)結果. 平成11年度全国季節予報技術検討会資料, 39-49.
  2. 平沢正信:気象警報と短時間予報に関する最近の話題について. 平成11年度全国予報技術検討会資料, 1-10.

F. Educational and commentary paper 解説

  1. Keenan, T.*, S. Rutledge*, R. Carbone*, J. Wilson*, T. Takahashi*, P. May*, N. Tapper*, M. Platt*, J. Hacker*, S. Sekelsky*, M. Moncrieff*, K. Saito, G. Holland*, A. Grook* and K. Gage*: The Maritime Continent Thu-nderstorm Experiment(MCTEX): Overview and some results. Bull. American. Met. Soc. , 81, 2433-2455.
  2. 青木輝夫:可視、近赤外域における大気~地表面系放射伝達-その応用と利用-「雪氷面」. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 20巻5号, 576-589.
  3. 石井雅男:海洋における炭素循環;海水中の全炭酸濃度の高精度分析. ぶんせき, 2000年 第11号, 658-662.
  4. 楠研一・永戸久善・赤枝健治:成田空港の空港気象ドップラーレーダーで観測された低層の内部重力波. 天気, Vol. 47, No. 5, 3-4.
  5. 高野洋雄:1999年台風第18号による高潮とそのメカニズム. 月刊海洋, 32, 763-770.
  6. 小寺邦彦:北極振動とは何か. パリティ, 15巻12号, 119-121.
  7. 小林隆久:可視, 近赤外域における大気~地表面系放射伝達(不均質雲). 日本リモートセンシング学誌, Vol. 20 No. 4, 99-106.
  8. 斉藤和雄:非静力学モデルについて. 気象利用研究, 13, 71-75.
  9. 斉藤和雄:非静力学モデルの開発とメソ気象現象の研究. 気象, 517, 10-15.
  10. 佐藤康雄:CO倍増時の日本列島周辺域の冬の気候変化予測実験. 気象, 519号, 16708-16712.
  11. 佐藤康雄:地球温暖化に伴う日本域の気候変化予測実験. Scince & Technonews, No. 57, 16-18.
  12. 高島勉・増田一彦:可視, 近赤外域における大気~地表面系放射伝達(不均質地表面). 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, Vol. 20 No. 4, 89-99.
  13. 高島勉*・増田一彦:可視, 近赤外域における地球大気-地表面系放射伝達-第3章 単散乱大気・海面モデル-. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 20巻2号, 69-79.
  14. 高島勉*・石元裕史・増田一彦:可視, 近赤外域における地球大気-地表面系放射伝達-第4章 シュミレーション法-. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 20巻3号, 103-120.
  15. 藤部文昭:果樹の台風被害発生機構と対策技術(1)台風による強風の特性. 果実日本, 55巻1号, 51-53.
  16. 伏見克彦:地球の温暖化と海洋の二酸化炭素について(II). 海洋展望, 2000, 2 No. 15, 18-29.
  17. 牧野行雄:オゾンホールの現状と今後. 中学校地図・社会科研究, 2000年4月号, 16.
  18. 松枝秀和:定期航空機を用いた上部対流圏における微量気体分布の観測研究-1999年度 堀内賞受賞記念講演-. 天気, 47巻11号, 767-775.
  19. 村上正隆:降雪実験. 第34回夏季大学「新しい気象学-雲をつかむ」, 48-60.
  20. 村上正隆:特集「水資源は大丈夫?」~新しい水資源開発の紹介-人工降雨. 土木学会誌, Vol. 85, No. 11, 24.
  21. 山内豊太郎:回転実験装置で地球自転の影響を体験しよう. 気象, No. 523, 18-20.
  22. 吉崎正憲:リモートセンシングによるメソ対流系へのアプローチ. 光学, 29, 538-542.

G. Other paper その他の論説

  1. Kawano, T*., M. Aoyama, Y. Takatsuki*: Inconsistency in the conductivity of the standard KCI solut-ion made from the different high-quality chemicals. International WOCE Newsletter, 40, 23-25.
  2. Kitoh, A., H. Koide, S. Murakami, A. Noda, T. Motoi and S. Yukimoto: A simulation study of the last glacial maximum with a coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM. CGER's supercomputer activity report, Vol. 7, 7-8.
  3. Kitoh, A. and S. Murakami: A simulation study of 6Ka with the MRI coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM. CAS/JSC WGNE Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, Report No. 30, WMO/TD-No. 987, 9. 1-9. 2.
  4. Murata, A., K. Saito and M. Ueno: Impact of precipitation scheme and horizontal resolution on a simulated rainband of Typhoon Flo (1990). CAS/JSC WGNE Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, No. 30, 5. 23-5. 24.
  5. Muroi, C.*, K. Kato and H. Eito: Development of the MRI/NPD nonhydrostatic model. CAS/JSC WGNE Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, No. 30, 5. 25-5. 26.
  6. Saito, K.: Modification of the MRI nonhydrostatic model …arbitrary conformal projectionmapping and nesting with the global analysis data…. CAS/JSC WGNE Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, No. 30, 5. 35-5. 36.
  7. Sato, Y., K. Mabuchi, H. Sasaki and K. Adachi: Development of local CO circulation models and elucidation of role of land ecosystem. CGER's supercomputer activity report, Vol. 7, 44-48.
  8. Ueno, M: Impact of upper level flow on the tropical cyclone motion in a vertically sheared ambient flow. CAS/JSC WGNE Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, No. 30, 5. 39-5. 40.
  9. 上野幹雄*・川畑拓矢・酒井亮太*・白川栄一*・石田純一*・斉藤和雄:NHM統合環境の紹介-パソコン版 気象研究所非静力学モデル(NHM)-. 天気, 47, 289-294.
  10. 斉藤和雄・加藤輝之・永戸久善・清野直子・村田昭彦:第3回非静力学モデリング短期数値予報国際ワークショップ参加報告. 天気, 47, 203-210.
  11. 毛利英明:Wavelets in the Geosciences. 天気, Vol. 47 No. 7, 537-538.
  12. 吉崎正憲・瀬古弘・加藤輝之・小司禎教・永戸久喜・別所康太郎・郷田治稔*・X-BAIU-99観測グループ:1999年東シナ海・九州梅雨特別観測(X-BAIU-99)報告. 天気, 47, 569-574.
  13. 吉崎正憲・上田博*・藤吉康志*・渡辺明*・坪木和久*・小司禎教・加藤輝之・二宮洸三*・大野裕一*・茂木耕作*・前坂剛*・瀬古弘:「東アジアにおけるメソ対流系と豪雨に関する国際会議」の出席報告. 天気, 47, 569-574.

Z. Writing Associated with oral presentation(to be cited by other researchers as a contribution, but excluding in principle such simple one as included in some preprint volume for the meeting of a scientific Society) 口頭(講演)発表に伴う著作;学会、国内外の会合等で行われた口頭(講演)発表にともなって作成された著作で、他の研究者の引用により研究の増進に貢献すると思われるもの。但し、原則として学会発表会における講演要旨集のような簡易なものは除く。

  1. Aoki, Te., Ta. Aoki and M. Fukabori*and T. takao*: Comparison in ultraviolet irradiance at Syowa station, Antarctica between the observation and the simulation with a radiative transfer model. Proc. Quadorennial Ozone Symposium -Sapporo 2000-, 1, 291-292.
  2. Bessho, K., Y. Tanaka and T. Nakazawa: Diurnal variation of cumulonimbus in typhoon inferred fromnegative brightness temperature difference validated by TRMM PR data. Preprints of 24th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 535-536.
  3. Chubachi, S.: Climatorogy of Antarctic Ozone Hole. Proceedings of the QUADRENNIAL OZONE SYMPOS-IUM-Sapporo 2000-, 1, 341-342.
  4. Fast, H*., R. L. Mittermeier*, Y. Makino*: Arctic Trace Gas Column Measurement in the Winter of 1996/1997 with the Solar Interfermeter at Eureka, Canada. Proceeding of the QUADRENNIAL OZONE SYMPOSIUM -Sapporo 2000-, 1, 367-368.
  5. Fukabori, M., Ta. Aoki, Te. Aoki, H. Ishida* and T. Watanabe*: Line strengths and half-widths of the (2-0) band of CO at low temperatures. Fourier Transform Spectroscopy Twelfth International Conference, 337-338.
  6. Haginoya, S.: Study on the Surface Heat Balance in the Tibetan Platean -Precision of Bower ratio method-. Preprimt Volume The second Session of International Workshop on TIPEX-GAME/TIBET Kunming, Chaina 20-22 July 2000, 19-21.
  7. Haginoya, S. and H. Naoe: Surface Heat Balance Observation in the western Tibet. Preprints 15th Conference on Hydrogy, 9-14 Jan, 2000. Long Blach California, 301-304.
  8. Hoshimoto, M., M. Murakami, N. Orikasa, K. Kusunoki, Y. Yamada* and M. Takahashi*: Evolution of Microphysical structure of orographic snow clouds associated with the passage of upper trough. Proceedings of the 13th International Conf. on clouds and Precipitation, 693-696.
  9. Inoue, T. and K. Aonashi: Rainfall area delineation from VIRS/TRMM. Proceedings the 2000 EUMETSAT meteorological Satellite data users' conference, 355-362.
  10. Inoue, T. and Y. Mano: Cirrus cloud remote sensing from split window and 6. 3μm. Proceedings the first international workshop on spaceborne cloud profiling radar, 99-103
  11. Ishimoto, H., K. Masuda and T. Kobayashi: Model calculations of the multiple scattering for the depolarization ratios by polarization lider measurements. Proceeding of the First Internat-ional Workshop on Spaceborne Cloud Profiling Rader, 195-199.
  12. Kaloka, S.*, S. Hamdi*, A. Nuryanto*, T. Itabe*, K. Mizutani*, M. Yasui*, T. Nagai, O. Uchino* and A. Ichiki: Seasonal Variation of Aerosol over Bandung, Indonesia. SPIE, 4153, 513-520.
  13. Kitabatake, N.: Extratropical Transition on Typhoon Vicki(9807). Preprints of 24th Conference on Hurricane and Tropical Meteorology, 290-291.
  14. Kitoh, A.: Simulated changes of monsoon and its variability at increased CO2 world and at 6000years ago. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Asian Monsoon System, 27-31 March 2000, Cheju, Korea, 58-62.
  15. Kobayashi, T., A. Adachi and K. Masuda: A potential of cloud profiling rader for measurements of cloud and precipitation. Proceeding of the First International Workshop on Spaceborne CloudProfiling Rader, 141-146.
  16. Makino, Y*., H. Fast*, R. Mittermeier*, T. Sasaki*, Y. Sawa*, M. Hirota*, K. Kondo Miyagawa*: IR-spectros-copic measurement of startospheric minor constituents over Tsukuba, Japan and Eureka, Canad-ian Arctic. Proceedings of the QUADRENNIAL OZONE SYMPOSIUM-Sapporo 2000-, 1, 531-532.
  17. Masuda, K., M. Sasaki, H. Ishimoto and T. Takasima: Spectral aerosol optical thickness retrieval using polarization measurements from space. Proceeding of the First International Workshop on Spaceborne Cloud Profiling Rader, 105-110.
  18. Matsumura, T.*, M. Hayashi*, M. Fujiwara*, K. Matsunaga*, M. Yasui*, K. Mizutani*, T. Nagai, T. Fujimoto*, S. Kaloka*, T. Manik* and S. Hamdi*: Comparison of Lidar Measurement with Baloon-Borne OPC Measurement over Bandung, Indonesia. SPIE, 4153, 496-504.
  19. Murakami, M., M. Hoshimoto, N. Orikasa, K. Kusunoki and Y. Yamada*: Microstructures and precipitationprocesses in a stable orographic snow cloud over the Mikami Mountains in Central Japan.
  20. Proceeding of the 13th International Conf. on Clouds and Precipitation, 371-374.
  21. Murata, A. and M. Ueno: A case Study of Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast Depending on CumulusParameterization. Preprints of 24th Conference on Hurricane and Tropical Meteorology, 234-235.
  22. Nakazawa, T. and C. Zhu*: Surface wind field during tropical cyclone generation period by satellites. Preprints of 24th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 588-589.
  23. Nakazawa, T., K. Bessho, K. Nakamura*, T. Furukawa* and C. Zhu*: Observational plan for typhoon over western North Pacific using Aerozonde (Typhoon Hunter 2000, 2001). Preprints of 24th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 587.
  24. Nagasawa, C.*, Y. Shibata*, M. Abo*, T. Nagai and O. Uchino*: Incoherent Doppler Lidar using Two Wavelengths for Wind Measurement. SPIE, 4153, 338-349.
  25. Nagasawa, C.*, T. Nagai, M. Abo*, Y. Shibata* and O. Uchino*: Development of Airborne DIAL for Water Vapor Measurement. SPIE, 4153, 599-606.
  26. Orikasa, N., M. Murakami, M. Hoshimoto and S. Asano*: Microphysical properties of midlatitude cirrus clouds obtained from in situ measurements with HYVIS observations during JACCS field campaign. Proceeding of the 13th International Conf. on Clouds and Precipitation, Vol. 2, 1187-1190.
  27. Sakakibara, H., F. Fujibe, N. Kitabatake, Y. Tanaka and K. Bessho: Mesoscale features of diverging strong winds associated with a typhoon in extratropical transition. Preprints of 24th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 314-315.
  28. Sawa, Y., H. Matsueda, K. Tsuboi*, M. Aono* and T. Otomo*: Impact of Asian emissions on the western North Pacific regions estimated by the JMA trace gas measuremants. Proceeings of the QUADR-ENNIAL OZONE SYMPOSIUM-Sapporo 2000-, 1, 629-630.
  29. Uchiyama, A. and JACCS/MRI airborne observation team: Airborne measurement of the cloud radiat-ion budget for statocumulus in the Japanese Cloud-Climate Study(JACCS). Proceedings the First International Workshop on Spaceborne Cloud Profiling Rader, 77-83.
  30. Ueda, H. and J. Matsumoto*: Enhanced east-west contrast over the Indian Ocean and its coupling mechanism with El Ni ñ o. Proceedings of the second international symposium on Asian monsoon system, 2, 118-125.
  31. Yasui, M.*, M. Hayashi*, T. Nagai, T. Matsumura*, K. Mizutani*, T. Itabe*, O. Uchino*, T. Fujimoto*, M. Fujiwara*, T. Shibata*, S. Kalola* and S. Hamdi*: Lidar and Optical Counter(OPC) Measurements of Polar and Tropical Stratospheric Aerosols. SPIE, 4153, 488-495.
  32. Yoshizaki, M., T. Kato, Y. Tanaka, H. Takayama, Y. Shoji, H. Seko, K. Arao*, K. Manabe* and Members of X-BAIU-98 Observation: Structures and formation mechanisms of the 26 June 1998 orographic rainband observed in western Kyushu, Japan. Preprint of International Conf. Mesoscale Convective Systems and Heavy Rain in east Asia, 207-212.
  33. 石井雅男:西部北太平洋亜熱帯域における海洋表層CO2の季節変化とその変動要因. 海と空, 第75巻第3号, 49-52.
  34. 栗田進:都市キャノピー内熱輸送の風洞実験. 第15回生研NSTシンポジウム講演論文集 乱流の数値シュミレーション, 126-133.
  35. 近藤洋輝:学際的観点からみたIPCCの経緯と現状. 47巻10号, 692-696.
  36. 近藤洋輝・鬼頭昭雄・北畠尚子:日本気象学会2000年春季大会シンポジウム「21世紀の気候変化-予測とそのもたらすもの-」の報告 はじめに. 天気, 47巻10号, 691-692.
  37. 佐藤康雄:地球温暖化に伴う日本域の気候変化予測. 天気, 47巻, 708-716.
  38. 四竈信行:中層フロートとアルゴ(Argo)計画. Proceedings of the TECNO-OCEAN2000 InternationalSymposium, Vol. Ⅰ, 11-16.
  39. 野田彰:日本気象学会2000年春季大会シンポジウム「21世紀の気候変化…予測とそのもたらすもの…」の報告 3. 地球温暖化に伴う全球的な気候変化予測. 天気, 47巻, 702-708.
  40. 深堀正志・青木忠生・石田英之*・渡辺猛*:低温下におけるCOの2. 0μm帯及びCOの第一倍音帯の吸収特 性. 第10回大気化学シンポジウム研究集会講演集, 155-157.
  41. 前田修平・小林ちあき*・高野清治・露木義*:ブロッキング流の特異モードと高周波擾乱との関係. 九州大学応用力学研究所研究集会報告11ME-S7, 97-105.

Supplement for 1999 (追録1999年)

A. Original Paper 原著論文(主として学会、または研究機関等の発行する誌上に発表されたもの)

  1. Moon, J*., Kyung-Ja. Ha* and A. Kitoh: The eddy-mean flow interaction and the tropical- extratropical interaction in a GCM and their dependence on model horizontal resorution. Kor. J. Atmos. Sci. , Vol. 2, 15-28.
  2. Yoshida, A.: Anomalous seismic activity in 1990s in eastern Asia. J. Geol., No. 13-14(series B), 215-216.

B. Synthetic Paper 総合報告

  1. 川田剛之*・山崎明宏: ADEOS/POLDERによる多観測角反射及び偏光データの解析. 地球環境, 4巻1号& 2号(合併号), 33-41.

Z. Writing Associated with oral presentation(to be cited by other researchers as a contribution, but excluding in principle such simple one as included in some preprint volume for the meeting of a scientific Society) 口頭(講演)発表に伴う著作;学会、国内外の会合等で行われた口頭(講演)発表にともなって作成された著作で、他の研究者の引用により研究の増進に貢献すると思われるもの。但し、原則として学会発表会における講演要旨集のような簡易なものは除く。

  1. Maeda, S., C. Kobayashi*, K. Takano and T. Tsuyuki*: Relationship between singular modes of blocking flow and high-frequency eddies. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop, 183-186.
  2. Yoshikawa, T.*, S. Kurita, Y. Muraji*: Numerical Computation of Transfer, Diffusion and Deposition for Particle Pollutants in Winter Convective Clouds. PROCEEDING OF THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE AND APPLICATION TO AIR QUALITY, 551-567.
  3. 栗田進・栗原 和夫*:放射性核種の地表面への沈着, 付着と再移動に関する研究, 「放射性核種移行研究の新たな展開」報告集, JEARI-Conf99-001, 135-150.

Supplement for 1998 (追録1998年)

Z. Writing Associated with oral presentation(to be cited by other researchers as a contribution, but excluding in principle such simple one as included in some preprint volume for the meeting of a scientific Society) 口頭(講演)発表に伴う著作;学会、国内外の会合等で行われた口頭(講演)発表にともなって作成された著作で、他の研究者の引用により研究の増進に貢献すると思われるもの。但し、原則として学会発表会における講演要旨集のような簡易なものは除く。

  1. 栗田進:粒子状物質の大気中への再飛散と粒子層の相対湿度. 沙漠研究, Vol. 8, 197-198.

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