Job title |
Head/The 3rd lab./Department of Typhoon and Severe Weather Research |
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Personal |
Expertise |
Radar Meteorology |
Degree |
Publications |
- Umehara, A., T. Adachi, W. Mahiko, and H.Yamauchi, 2021: Analysis of the tornadic debris signatures of the Ichihara tornado in a typhoon environment using two operational C-band dual-polarization weather radars. SOLA, 17, 196−201.
- Nagumo, N., A. Adachi, and H. Yamauchi, 2019: Geometrical properties of hydrometeors during the refreezing process and their effects on dual-polarized radar signals. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 1753–1768.
- Kawabata, T., T. Schwitalla, A. Adachi, H. Bauer, V. Wulfmeyer, N. Nagumo, and H. Yamauchi, 2018: Observational operators for dual polarimetric radars in variational data assimilation systems (PolRad VAR v1.0). Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 2493–2501.
- Yokota, S., H. Seko, M. Kunii, H. Yamauchi, and E. Sato, 2018: Improving short-term rainfall forecasts by assimilating weather radar reflectivity using additive ensemble perturbations. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 123, 9047–9062.
- Yokota, S., H. Niino, H. Seko, M. Kunii, and H. Yamauchi, 2018: Important factors for tornadogenesis as revealed by high-resolution ensemble forecasts of the Tsukuba supercell tornado of 6 May 2012 in Japan. Mon. Wea. Rev., 146, 1109–1132.
- Yokota, S., H. Seko, M. Kunii, H. Yamauchi, and H. Niino, 2016: The tornadic supercell on the Kanto Plain on 6 May 2012: Polarimetric radar and surface data assimilation with EnKF and ensemble-based sensitivity analysis. Mon. Wea. Rev., 144, 3133–3157.
- Shoji, Y., W. Mashiko, H. Yamauchi and E. Sato, 2015: Estimation of Local-Scale Precipitable Water Vapor Distribution Around Each GNSS Station Using Slant Path Delay: Evaluation of a Severe Tornado Case Using High-Resolution NHM. SOLA, 11, 31-35.
- Adachi, A., T. Kobayashi, and H. Yamauchi, 2015: Estimation of raindrop size distribution and rainfall rate from polarimetric radar measurements at attenuating frequency based on the self-consistency principle. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 93, 359-388.
- Shoji Y., H. Yamauchi, W. Mashiko, and E. Sato, 2014: Estimation of Local-scale Precipitable Water Vapor Distribution Around Each GNSS Station Using Slant Path Delay. SOLA, 10, 29-33.
- Adachi, A., Kobayashi, T., Yamauchi, H., and Onogi, S., 2013: Detection of potentially hazardous convective clouds with a dual-polarized C-band radar. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 2741-2760.
- Adachi, A., Kobayashi, T., Yamauchi, H., and Onogi, S., 2011: Detection of convective cells with a potential to produce local heavy rainfalls by a C-band polarimetric radar. Proc. 8177, Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XVI, 81770P.
- Kobayashi, T., K. Masuda, Yamauchi, H., and A. Adachi, 2011: Physically-based simulator for measurements of precipitation with polarimetric and space-borne radars. Proc. 8177, Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XVI, 817710.
- Seko, H., H. Yamauchi, O. Suzuki and K. Saito, 2009: Estimation of Temporal Variation of Refractive Index Using C-band Doppler Radar Equipped with Magnetron Transmitter. SOLA, 5, 145-148.
- Yamauchi, H., O. Suzuki, and K. Akaeda, 2006: A Hybrid Multi-PRI Method to Dealias Doppler Velocities. SOLA, 2, 92-95.
Project |