Job title |
Senior Researcher / The 2nd Lab. / Department of Observation and Data Assimilation Research |
E-mail |
Personal |
https://sites.google.com/site/satoruyoshida1106/ |
Expertise |
Lidar, Data assimilation, Lightning, Remote sensing
Degree |
Ph.D. |
Publications |
- A. Takahashi, T. Sakai, T. Kawabata, S. Yoshida, and N. Ueda, Balance plot for visualizing and examining tradeoff between accuracy and data quantity of lidar water vapor measurement data, Journal of Laser Radar Society of Japan, 3, 124-135, 2022.
- S. Yoshida, T. Sakai, T. Nagai, Y. Ikuta, Y. Shoji, H. Seko, and K. Shiraishi, Lidar observations and data assimilation of low-level moist inflows causing severe local rainfall associated with a mesoscale convective system, Mon. Wea. Rev., 150, 7, 1781-1798, 2022.
- Yoshida, E. Yoshikawa, T.Adachi, K. Kusunoki, S. Hayashi, and H. Inoue, 2019: Three dimensional radio images of winter lightning in Japan and characteristics of associated charge structure. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 14, 2, 175-184
- Tetsu Sakai, Tomohiro Nagai, Toshiharu Izumi, Satoru Yoshida, Yoshinori Shoji, 2019: Automated compact mobile Raman lidar for water vapor measurement: instrument description and validation by comparison with radiosonde, GNSS, and high-resolution objective analysis. Atomos. Meas.Tech., 12, 313-326.
- S. Yoshida, T. Adachi, K. Kusunoki, S. Hayashi, T. Wu, T. Ushio, and E. Yoshikawa, 2017: Relationship between thunderstorm electrification and storm kinetics revealed by phased array weather radar. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,, 122, 3821-3836
- H. Y. Inoue, K. Kusunoki, K. Arai, N. Ishitsu, T. Adachi, S. Yoshida, and C. Fujiwara, 2016: Structure and Evolution of Misovortices Observed within a Convective Snowband in the Japan Sea Coastal Region during a Cold-Air Outbreak on 31 December 2007 J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 94, 94, 507-524
- T. Adachi, K. Kusunoki, S. Yoshida, H. Inoue, K. Arai, and T. Ushio, 2016: apid Volumetric Growth of Misocyclone and Vault-Like Structure in Horizontal Shear Observed by Phased Array Weather Radar. SOLA, 12, 314-319
- T. Adachi, K. Kusunoki, S. Yoshida, K. Arai, and T. Ushio, 2016: High-Speed Volumetric Observation of Wet Microburst using X-band Phased Array Weather Radar in Japan. Mon. Wea. Rev., 144, 3749-3765
- Hiroshi Kikuchi, Ting Wu, Tomoo Ushio, Satoru Yoshida, and Zen Kawasaki, 2016: Application of digital beamforming method for a network of lightning location sensors. J. Atmos. Electr., 36, 2, 55-67
- Morimoto, T., H. Kikuchi, S. Yoshida, T. Ushio, and Z. Kawasaki, 2016: Lightning observations of a small satellite “Maido-1”. J. Atmos. Electr., 36, 2, 39-53. /doi:10.1541/jae.36.39
- Ting Wu, Satoru Yoshida, Yasuhiro Akiyama, Michael Stock, Tomoo Ushio, and Zen Kawasaki, 2015: Preliminary breakdown of intracloud lightning: Initiation altitude, propagation speed, pulse train characteristics, and step length estimation. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos, 120, 18, 9071-9086. /doi:10.1002/2015JD02354
- M. Nishihashi, K. Arai, C. Fujiwara, W. Mashiko, S. Yoshida, S. Hayashi and K. Kusunoki, 2015: Characteristics of Lightning Jumps Associated with a Tornadic Supercell on 2 September 2013. SOLA, 11, 18-22. /doi:10.2151/sola.2015-005
- S. Yoshida, T. Wu, T. Ushio, K. Kusunoki, and Y. Nakamura, 2014: Initial results of LF sensor network for lightning observation and characteristics of lightning emission in LF band. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 12034-12051. /doi:10.1002/2014JD022065
- T. Ushio, T. Wu, and S. Yoshida, 2014: Review of recent progress in lightning and thunderstorm detection techniques in Asia. Atmos. Res., 154, 589-102. /doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.10.001
- Wu, Ting, Satoru Yoshida, Tomoo Ushio, Zen Kawasaki, Yuji Takayanagi, Daohong Wang, 2014: Large bipolar lightning discharge events in winter thunderstorms in Japan. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 555–566. /doi:10.1002/2013JD020369
- Wu, T., Y. Takayanagi, T. Funaki, S. Yoshida, T. Ushio, and Z. Kawasaki, 2013: Preliminary breakdown pulses of cloud-to-ground lightning in winter thunderstorms in Japan. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 102, pp. 91-98.
- Wu, T., Y. Takayanagi, T. Funaki, S. Yoshida, T. Ushio, Z. Kawasaki, T. Morimoto, and Y. Nakamura, 2013: Isolated large bipolar pulse (ILBP) produced by lightning discharge in winter thunderstorm. IEEJ Trans. FM., 133, 9, pp. 451-457.
- Wu Ting, Yuji Takayanagi, Satoru Yoshida, Tsuyoshi Funaki, Tomoo Ushio, Zen Ichiro Kawasaki, 2013: Spatial relationship between lightning narrow bipolar events and parent thunderstorms as revealed by phased array radar. Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, pp. 618-623.
- Yoshikawa, E., T. Ushio, Z. Kawasaki, S. Yoshida, T. Morimoto, F. Mizutani, and M. Wada, 2013: MMSE Beam Forming on Fast-Scanning Phased Array Weather Radar. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and remote sensing, 51, 5, pp. 3077-3088. /doi:10.1109/TGRS.2012.2211607
- Yoshida, S., C. J. Biagi, V. A. Rakov, J. D. Hill, M. A. Stapleton, D. M. Jordan, M. A. Uman, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, Z.-I. Kawasaki, and M. Akita, 2012: The initial stage processes of rocket-and-wire triggered lightning as observed by VHF interferometry. J. Geophys. Res., 117, D09119. /doi:10.1029/2012JD017657
- Yoshida, S., M. Akita, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, and Z.-I. Kawasaki, 2012: Propagation characteristics of lightning stepped leaders developing in charge regions and descending out of charge regions. Atmos. Res., 106, 86-92. /doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.11.010
- Wu, T., W. Dong, Y. Zhang, T. Funaki, S. Yoshida, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, and Z. Kawasaki, 2012: Discharge height of lightning narrow bipolar events. J. Geophys. Res., 117, D5, D05119. /doi:10.1029/2011JD017054
If you want to see all the papers, please see the personal page mentioned above.
Project |