Department of Observation and Data Assimilation
Second Laboratory

Summary Account

 We work on the development and improvement of observational techniques of the lower atmosphere and aerosol using laser light (lidar) and radio waves (microwave radiometer) and the optimal use of these data for monitoring and prediction of severe weather.


Job titleName
HeadSAKAI Tetsu
Senior ResearcherYOSHIDA Satoru
ResearcherNISHIHASHI Masahide
ResearcherOIKAWA Eiji
ResearcherSEKO Hiromu
Research AssociateNAGAI Tomohiro
Research AssociateUCHINO Osamu
(Collaborator)YOSHIMOTO Koichi
(Collaborator)YAMAMOTO Kentaro
(Collaborator)KOJIMA Atsushi

Ordinary research