Publications |
- Kosaka Y., S. Kobayashi, Y. Harada, C. Kobayashi, H. Naoe, K. Yoshimoto, M. Harada, N. Goto, J. Chiba, K. Miyaoka, R. Sekiguchi, M. Deushi, H. Kamahori, T. Nakaegawa; T. Y.Tanaka, T. Tokuhiro, Y. Sato, Y. Matsushita, and K. Onogi, 2024:
The JRA-3Q reanalysis.
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 102, 49-109.
- Kobayashi, C, S. Maeda, Y. Kanno, T. Iwasaki, 2022
Extremely weak cold-air mass flux and extratropical direct meridional circulation linked to the record-warm winter 2019/2020 over East Asia.
SOLA 18, 1-7.
- Kuramochi, M., H. Ueda, C. Kobayashi, Y. Kamae, K. Takaya, 2021:
Anomalous warm winter 2019/2020 over East Asia associated with trans-basin Indo-Pacific connections.
SOLA 17B, 9–13.
- Murazaki, K., H. Kamahori, C. Kobayashi, S. Yukimoto 2021:
Influence of High-Resolution SST on Early Summer Surface Air Temperature in Japan in Downscaling Experiments.
SOLA 17, 88–95.
- Lim, E.P., H. H. Hendon, A.H. Butler, D. W. J. Thompson, A. Scaife, I. Polichtchouk, R. S. Garreaud, R. Comer, L. Coy, P. A. Newman, T. G. Shepherd, H. Nakamura, Z. Lawrence, G. Wang, C. Kobayashi and A. Dowdy
The 2019 Southern Hemisphere polar stratospheric warming: Evolution, predictability and impact.
BAMS, 102(6), E1150-E1171.
- Fujii Y., T. Ishibashi, T. Yasuda, Y. Takaya, C. Kobayashi, and I. Ishikawa, 2021:
Improvements in tropical precipitation and sea surface air temperature fields in a coupled atmosphere-ocean data assimilation system.
Q J R Meteorol Soc. 147, 1317–1343.
- Kobayashi, C, Y. Fujii, and I. Ishikawa, 2021:
Intraseasonal SST–precipitation relationship in a coupled reanalysis experiment using the MRI coupled atmosphere–ocean data assimilation system.
Clim Dyn, 56, 2377-2388.
- Maeda, S., K. Takemura, C. Kobayashi, 2021:
Three-dimensional structure of Eurasian teleconnection pattern.
J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 99, 449-458.
- Takaya, Y., I. Ishikawa, C. Kobayashi, H. Endo and T. Ose, 2020:
Enhanced Meiyu-Baiu rainfall in early summer2020: Aftermath of the 2019 super IOD event.
Geophysical Research Letters, 47 ,e2020GL090671.
- Robertson, F.R., J. B. Roberts, M. G. Bosilovich, A. Bentamy, M. Schroeder, H. Tomita, C. A. Clayson, G. P. Compo, M. Gutenstein, C. Kobayashi, P. Sardeshmukh, L. C. Slivinski, 2020:
Ocean Latent Heat Flux Uncertainties at Interannual to Inter-decadal Scales in Satellite Retrievals and Reduced Observation Reanalyses.
J. Climate 33 (19): 8415–8437.
- Takemura, K., S. Wakamatsu, H. Togawa, A. Shimpo, C. Kobayashi, S. Maeda, H. Nakamura, 2019: Extreme Moisture Flux Convergence over Western Japan during the Heavy Rain Event of July 2018 SOLA, 15A, 49-54.
- Kobayashi, C, and I. Ishikawa, 2019: Prolonged Northern-Mid-Latitude Tropospheric Warming in 2018 Well Predicted by the JMA Operational Seasonal Prediction System SOLA, 15A, 31-36.
- Kodera, K., N. Eguchi, R. Ueyama, Y. Kuroda, C. Kobayashi, B. M. Funatsu, and C. Claud, 2019: Implication of tropical lower stratospheric cooling in recent trends in tropical circulation and deep convective activity Atmos. Chem. Phys, 19, 2655-2669.
- Tsujino, H., S. Urakawa, H Nakano, R. J. Small, W. M. Kim, S. G. Yeager, G. Danabasoglu, T. Suzuki, J. L. Bamber, M. Bentsen. C. W. Boening, A. Bozec, E. P. Chassignet, E. Curchitser, F. Boeira Dias, P. J. Durack, S. M. Griffies, Y. Harada, M. Ilicak, S. A. Josey, C. Kobayashi, S. Kobayashi, Y. Komuro, W. G. Large, J. Le Sommer, S. J. Marsland, S. Masina, M. Scheinert, H. Tomita, M. Valdivieso, D. Yamazaki, 2018: JRA-55 based surface dataset for driving ocean--sea-ice models (JRA55-do). Ocean Modelling, 130, 79-139.
If you want to see all publications, watch the personal page.