Department of Atmosphere, Ocean, and Earth System Modeling Research
Fifth Laboratory

Laboratory Overview

The fifth laboratory conducts researches on ocean and coupled ocean-atmosphere data assimilation, including:

  • Development of new ocean data assimilation methods applicable to various spatial and temporal scales
  • Research on data assimilation and numerical prediction of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system
  • Research on utilization of ocean observations and mechanisms of ocean variability
    • Research on ocean observation impacts on ocean, climate, and weather prediction (leading SynObs, one of the UN Ocean Decade projects)
  • Collaborative development of operational ocean data assimilation systems with Japan Meteorological Agency
    • The ocean monitoring and forecasting system for coastal regions around Japan (participation in OceanPredict, an international joint research program)
    • The global ocean data assimilation system as a component of the seasonal forecast system


Job titleName
Senior ResearcherFUJII Yosuke
Senior ResearcherUSUI Norihisa
ResearcherHIROSE Nariaki
