Job title |
Researcher / The 3rd Lab. / Department of Observation and Data Assimilation Research |
E-mail |
saya[at]mri-jma.go.jp |
Personal |
Expertise |
Regional climate model, Wet deposition, Data assimilation of precipitation |
Degree |
Ph.D. |
Publications |
- Kajino, M., A. Watanabe, M. Ishizuka, K. Kita, Y. Zaizen, T. Kinase, R. Hirai, K. Konnai, A. Saya, K. Iwaoka, Y. Shiroma, H. Hasegawa, N. Akata, M. Hosoda, S. Tokonami and Y. Igarashi, 2022: Reassessment of the radiocesium resuspension flux from contaminated ground surfaces in East Japan, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22(2), doi:10.5194/acp-22-783-2022
- Kajino, M., K. Adachi, Y. Igarashi, Y. Satou, M. Sawada, T. Thomas Sekiyama, Y. Zaizen, A. Saya, H. Tsuruta and Y. Moriguchi, 2021: Deposition and Dispersion of Radio‐Cesium Released due to the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: 2. Sensitivity to Aerosol Microphysical Properties of Cs‐Bearing Microparticles (CsMPs), Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(1), doi:10.1029/2020JD033460
- Saya, A., K. Yoshimura, T. Yoshikane, E.-C. Chang, and T. Oki, 2018: Precipitation redistribution method for regional simulations of radioactive material transport during the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, Journal of Disaster Research, 123, doi:10.1029/2018JD028531
- Yoshikane, T., K. Yoshimura, E.-C. Chang, A. Saya, and T. Oki, 2016: Long-distance transport of radioactive plume by nocturnal local winds, Scientific Reports, 6, doi:10.1038/srep36584
- Saya, A., K. Yoshimura, and T. Oki, 2015: Simulation of radioactive tracer transport using IsoRSM and uncertainty analyses, Journal of JSCE, 3, 60‐66, doi:10.2208/journalofjsce.3.1_60
- Komori, D., CM. Mateo, A. Saya, S. Nakamura, M. Kiguchi, P. Klinkhachorn, T. Sukhapunnaphan, A. Champathong, K. Takeya and T. Oki, 2013: Application of the Probability Evaluation for the Seasonal Reservoir Operation on Flood Mitigation and Water Supply in the Chao Phraya River Watershed, Thailand, Journal of Disaster Research, 8(3), 432-446, doi:10.20965/jdr.2013.p0432
Project |