Job title Senior Resercher/The 3rd lab./Department of Atmosphere, Ocean, and Earth System Modeling Research
E-mail uokajinomizuoka
Personal CV(pdf)
Expertise Atmospheric Sciences
Modeling and experimental studies on microphysical properties of atmospheric constituents and their macroscale environmental impacts
Degree Dr. Sci.
Publications Recent selected papers Others
Project Head only
  • 08/2023-03/2029 Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering) (JP23K17465), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, “Design and development of a portable cloud chamber and understanding of mixed-phase microphysical and chemical processes of cloud particles by mountain observation”
  • 04/2023-03/2028 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) (JP23H05494), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, “Seamless understanding of nonlinear meteorology-chemistry processes based on multifaceted observations using low-altitude isolated peaks”
  • 04/2024-03/2027 Environmental Research and Technology Development Fund (5-2404(5))“Airborne Micro/Nano Plastics and Health Impacts”(sub-head)