Publications |
- Murazaki, K., H. Kamahori, C. Kobayashi, and S. Yukimoto, 2021: Influence of High-Resolution SST on Early Summer Surface Air Temperature in Japan in Downscaling Experiments, SOLA, 17, 88-95, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-014.
- Murazaki, K., H. Tsujino, T. Motoi, K. Kurihara, 2015: Influence of the Kuroshio large meander on the climate around Japan based on a regional climate model, JMSJ, 93, 161-179.
- Murazaki, K., 2012: Evaluation of temperature predictive accuracy of winter Hokuriku shinetsu by JMA-NHM. 2nd International Workshop on NHM
- Murazaki, K., K. Kurihara, H. Sasaki, 2010: Dynamical Downscaling of JRA-25 Precipitation over Japan Using the MRI-Regional Climate Model, SOLA,6, 141-144.
- Murazaki, K., P. Hess, 2006: How does climate change contribute to surface ozone change over the United States?,J. Geophys. Res, 111, D05301.
- Murazaki, K.,H. Sasaki, H. Tsujino, I. Takayabu, Y. Sato, H. Ishazaki, K. Kurihara, 2005: Climatic change projection for the ocean around Japan using a high-resolution coupled atmosphere-ocean regional climate model, SORA, 1, 101-104.