Department of Applied Meteorology Research
Second Laboratory
Summary Account
We utilize climate indices to promote and expand weather and climate information in our society and elucidate the factors behind such changes and variabilities of the climate indices. In addition, through cooperation and collaboration with universities and research institutions, we study weather and climate risk management to improve the safety and security of socioeconomic activities and productivity through efforts. We focus on the five priority areas of the GFCS (Agriculture and Food Security, Disaster Mitigation, Energy, Health, Water Resources) by WMO and to demonstrate usability of climate indices in each of socioeconomic sectors. Therefore, our research targets are composed of two:
- 1. Development and delivery of easily usable/accessible climate indices and elucidation of the drivers of their changes,
- 2. Research on weather and climate risk management by utilizing meteorological data.
Ordinary research
Research on appropriate utilization of meteorological information for socio-economic activities