Department of Volcanology Research
First Laboratory
Summary Account
In order to improve techniques for monitoring and evaluating volcanic activities, we conduct researches based mainly on geophysical method.
In our research, we are developing evaluation methods based on statistical analysis of multi-parameter data accumulated over a long period of time at volcanoes nationwide. We are also developing monitoring systems for crustal deformation and seismic activities around volcanic area.
The laboratory has branch offices installed in the Volcanic Observation and Warning Center at each (regional) headquarters in Sapporo, Sendai, Tokyo (Headquarters) and Fukuoka besides the main research institute in Tsukuba. Researchers in the branch offices conduct not only research on their assigned tasks but also focus on regional volcanic activities and contribute to improving the technical skills of the staffs at each center.
Job title | Name |
Head | ONIZAWA Shin'ya |
Senior Researcher | KAWAGUCHI Ryohei |
Senior Researcher | TAKAGI Akimichi |
Researcher | NARITA Saeri |
Senior Researcher (Sapporo Office) | OKUYAMA Satoshi |
Senior Researcher (Sendai Office) | OKADA Jun |
Senior Researcher (Tokyo Office) | MORI Takehiko |
Researcher (Fukuoka Office) | IRIYAMA Yu |