Job title |
Senior Researcher/The 2nd lab./Department of Seismology and Tsunami Research |
E-mail |
Personal |
Expertise |
Seismology, Earth structure |
Degree |
Ph.D. |
Publications |
- Ogiso, M. and H. Tsushima, 2022: Ocean-wave gradiometry: Visualizing and extracting propagation features of the 15 January 2022 tsunami wavefield with dense ocean-bottom pressure gauge arrays, Seismol. Res. Lett., 94, 626-636.
- Ogiso, M. and K. Tamaribuchi, 2022: Spatiotemporal evolution of tremor activity near the Nankai Trough trench axis inferred from the spatial distribution of seismic amplitudes, Earth Planets Space, 74:49.
- Ogiso, M. and K. Yomogida, 2021: Estimation of relative source locations from seismic amplitude: application to earthquakes and tremors at Meakandake volcano, eastern Hokkaido, Japan, Earth Planets Space, 73:29.
- Ogiso, M., 2019: A method for mapping intrinsic attenuation factors and scattering coefficients of S waves in 3-D space and its application in southwestern Japan, Geophys. J. Int., 216(2), 948-957.
- Ogiso, M., M. Hoshiba, A. Shito and S. Matsumoto, 2018: Numerical shake prediction for earthquake early warning incorporating heterogeneous attenuation structure: The case of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am., 108(6), 3457-3468.
- Ogiso, M., S. Aoki and M. Hoshiba, 2016: Real-time seismic intensity prediction using frequency-dependent site amplification factors, Earth Planets Space, 68:83.
To see my full publication list, please visit researchmap.
Project |
- Research on Monitoring and Forecasting of Crustal Activities, Ground Motions and Tsunamis