毛利 英明 / Hideaki Mouri

事項 詳細
所属・職名 気象予報研究部・第三研究室・室長
連絡先 kimourihideakim
専門分野 気象学、流体力学
学位 博士(理学)
  • Mouri, H. 2013 Physical Review E, 88, 042124 Log-normal distribution from a process that is not multiplicative but is additive
  • Mouri, H., Hori, A., Kawashima, Y., & Hashimoto, K. 2012 Physical Review E, 86, 026309 Large-scale length that determines the mean rate of energy dissipation in turbulence
  • Mouri, H., Hori, A., Kawashima, Y., & Hashimoto, K. 2011 Physics of Fluids, 23, 125110 Statistical mechanics and large-scale velocity fluctuations of turbulence