気象研究所 > 地震火山研究部 > 第二研究室 > 小林のページ > 南海トラフ沿い長期的SSE客観検知

Objective detection of long-term slow slip events along the Nankai Trough using GNSS data (1996-2016)

(小林昭夫, 2017, EPS, 69:171)


This paper presents a method for objective detection of long-term slow slip events with durations on the order of years, on the plate boundary along the Nankai Trough, relying on global navigation satellite system daily coordinate data. The Chugoku region of Japan was held fixed to remove common mode errors, and a displacement component was calculated relative to the direction of plate subduction. Correlations were then calculated between this displacement component and a 3-year ramp function with a 1-year slope. Nearly all periods of strong correlation coincide with periods of previously reported long-term slow slip events. A period of strong correlation around the Kii Channel in 2000-2002 is attributed to a previously undocumented long-term slow slip event beneath the Kii Channel and the eastern part of Shikoku Island with an equivalent moment magnitude of 6.6. This detection method reveals variation among long-term slow slip events along the Nankai Trough.


図 南海トラフ沿いの長期的スロースリップによる非定常地殻変動の時空間分布。