気象研究所 > 地震火山研究部 > 第二研究室 > 小林のページ > GPS東海3時間値面的監視


(小林昭夫, 2005, 験震時報, 68, 99-104.)



We propose a spatial monitoring procedure to detect precursory signals of the anticipated Tokai earthquake using a 3-hour analysis of the GPS data in the Tokai area. First, we calculate displacements for every component from a median coordinate for a long period and a median coordinate for the latest short period. Displacements are then smoothed using the GMT software, and grid point values after that are rated. By using this procedure, we can detect abnormal deformation on a map, and it is hoped that the stability for the outlying values can also be obtained. Moreover, the same procedure is effectively applicable to daily analysis values from the GPS.


図 面的監視処理の平滑化前後の例