気象研究所 > 地震火山研究部 > 第二研究室 > 小林のページ > GPS東海3時間値


(小林昭夫・山本剛靖・畑中雄樹・丸山一司・竹中潤・緒方誠, 2002, 気象研究所研究報告, 53, 75-84.)



 Geographical Survey Institute and Japan Meteorological Agency have operated a monitoring system for crustal deformations in the Tokai area since 1998, which has performed a baseline analysis using 3-hour GPS data. We investigated precision and characteristics of the coordinate and the baseline length obtained by the analysis. The precision of the baseline length obtained from 3-hour data is a couple of times worse than that obtained from a daily data. Correlation of coordinate variations between every pair of the observation stations was examined, and then the stations were divided into six groups according to the correlation coefficient evaluated. These groups corresponded to both analysis clusters that the station belonged to and classification of the monument/antenna type that was adopted at the station. Alteration to the new analysis strategy has reduced the difference of groups depended on the monument/ antenna type.


図 座標偏差の相関によりグループ化した観測点の分布。