Department of Applied Meteorology Research
Third Laboratory

Summary Account

The Third Laboratory is responsible for improvement and enhancement of forecast product and guidance which will support Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities, with the sub-title: A2" Research on enhancement of meteorological information directly supporting DRR and traffic safety". Aiming contribution to improvement of information service of JMA, we will develop useful contents of information, such as typhoon forecasts based on reliability considering of their uncertainty, and clear disaster risk information# by heavy rainfall, floods, coastal hazards like storm surges. #IBF (Impact-based Forecasting): Information on "What weather will do (hazardous impact)" instead of "What weather will be (meteorological condition)".

  • 1. Improvement / development of typhoon guidance, considering of forecast uncertainty Improving typhoon track and intensity guidance, including reliability of forecasts.
  • 2. Development of the next generation flood forecast model and flood guidance Developing the next generation flood forecast model with high resolution and effective flood guidance
  • 3. Development of an estimating method for total water level at coast and its risk Developing a handy method to estimate total water level integrated of storm surges, waves and so on, and related guidance for coastal inundation risk.


Job titleName
HeadKOHNO Nadao
Senior ResearcherYAMAGUCHI Munehiko
Senior ResearcherOTA Takuma

Ordinary research

Research on appropriate utilization of meteorological information for socio-economic activities