Department of Applied Meteorology Research

First Laboratory

Summary Account

We develop a cloud-resolving regional climate model for detailed projections of future climate in Japan, contributing to creating information for local governments. Based on these high-resolution future climate projections, we identify physical mechanisms that govern future changes in mesoscale extreme phenomena. To address these issues, we are pursuing research on the following topics:
  • 1. Development of a cloud-resolving regional climate model,
  • 2. Evaluation of present climate simulation results using high-resolution observational data,
  • 3. Understandings of physical mechanisms for extreme events in future climate.


Job titleName
HeadTSUJINO Hiroyuki
ResearcherNOSAKA Masaya
ResearcherFUKUI Shin

Ordinary research

Research on appropriate utilization of meteorological information for socio-economic activities