(January-December, 2002)

 (*:non-member of the MRI)

. Original Paper

  1. Aoki, Ta., Te. Aoki and M. Fukabori: Path radiance correction by polarization observation of Sun glint glitter for the remote measurements of tropospheric greenhouse gases. Applied Optics, 41 4945-4957.

  2. Aoki, Te., M. Mikami and W. Liu*: Spectral albedos of desert surfaces and size distributions of soil particles measured around Qira and Aksu in Taklimakan Desert. Journal of Arid Land Studies, 11, 259-266.

  3. Aoki, Te., Ta. Aoki, M. Fukabori and T. Takao*: Characteristics of UV-B irradiance at Syowa station, Antarctica: Analyses of the Measurements and Comparison with Numerical Simulations. Journal of the meteorological Society of Japan,  80, 161-170.

  4. Aoyama, M., T. M. Joyce* ,T. Kawano* and Y. Takatsuki*: Standard seawater comparison up to P129. Deep-Sea Research I, 49, 1103-1114.

  5. Asano, S.*, A. Uchiyama, A. Yamazaki, J. -F. Gayet*and M. Tanizono: Two case studies of winter continental-type water and mixed-phase stratocumuli over the sea 2: Absorption of solar radiation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107D21, 10.1029/2001JD001106.

  6. Davey, M. K.*, M. Huddleston*, K. R. Sperber*, P. Braconnot*, F. Bryan*, D. Chen*, R. A. Colman*, C. Cooper*, U. Cubasch*, P. delecluse*, D. DeWitt*, L. Fairhead*, G. Flato*, C. Gordon*, T. Hogan*, M. Ji*, M. Kimoto*, A. Kitoh, T. R. Knutson*, M. Latif*, H. LeTreut*, T. Li*, S. Manabe*, C. R. Mechoso*, G. A. Meehl*, S. B. Power*, E. Roevkner*, L. Terray*, A. Vintzileos*, R. Voss*, B. Wang*, W. M. Washington*, I. Yoshikawa*, J. Y. Yu*, S. Yukimoto and S. E. Zebiak*: STOIC:  a study of coupled model climatology and variability in tropical ocean regions. Climate Dynamics, 18, 403-420.

  7. Dolinsky, P.*, M. Funaki*, A. Yamazaki, N. Ishikawa* and T. Matuda* : The result of magnetic surveys at Mt.Riiser-Larsen, Amundsen Bay, Enderby Land, East Antarctica, by the 42th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition. Polar Geoscience, 15, 80-88.

  8. Feely, R. A. *, J. Boutin*, C. E. Cosca*, Y. Dandonneau*, J. Etcheto*, H. Y. Inoue*, M. Ishii, C. L. Quere*, D. J. Mackey*, M. McPhaden*, N. Metzl*, A. Poisson* and R. Wanninkhof*: Seasonal and interannual variability of CO2 in the equatorial Pacific. Deep-Sea Research II, 49, 2443-2469.

  9. Gayet, J. -F.*, S. Asano*, A. Yamazaki and A. Uchiyama: Two case studies of winter continental-type water and mixed-phase stratocumuli over the sea 1.: Microphysical and optical properties. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D21), 10.1029/2001JD001106.

  10. Heintzenberg, J.*, K. Okada, and B. P. Luo*: Distribution of optical properties among atmospheric submicrometer particles of given electrical mobilities. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D11), 4107,doi 10.1029/2001JD000372.

  11. Hirose, K. and M. Aoyama: Chemical speciation of plutonium in seawater. Analytical and Bionalytical Chemistry, 372, 418-420.

  12. Hirose, K., T. Miyao*, M. Aoyama and Y. Igarashi: Plutonium isotopes in the Sea of Japan. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 252, 293-299.

  13. Hong, G. H.*, Y. I. Kim*, S. H. Lee*, L. W. Cooper*, S. M. Choe*, A. V. Tkalin*, T. Lee*, S. H. Kim*, C. S. Chung* and K. Hirose: 239240Pu and 137Cs concentrations for zooplankton and nekton in the Northwest Pacific and Antarctic Oceans(1993-1996). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 44, 660-665.

  14. Inoue, T. and S. Ackerman: Radiative effects of various cloud types as classified by the split window technique over the eastern sub-tropical Pacific derived from collocated ERBE and AVHRR data. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 80, 1383-1394.

  15. Ishii, M., H. Y. Inoue* and H. Matsueda: Net community production in the marginal ice zone and its importance for the variability of the oceanic pCO2 in the Southern Ocean south of Australia. Deep-Sea Research II, 49, 1961-1706.

  16. Kamachi, M., Y. Fujii and X. Zhou*: Ocean Data Assimilation in the Tropical Pacific:  A short survey. Journal of Oceanography, 58, 45-55.

  17. Kang, I. -S. *, K. Jin*, B. Wang*, K-M. Lau*, J. Shukla*, V. Krishnamurthy*, S. D. Schubert*, D. E. Wailser*, W. F. Stern*, A. Kitoh, G. A. Meehl*, M. Kanamitsu*, V. Y. Galin*, V. Satyan*, C. -K. Park* and Y. Liu*: Intercomparison of the climatological variations of Asian summer monsoon precipitation simulated by 10GCMs. Climate Dynamics, 19, 383-395.

  18. Kang, I. -S.*, K. Jin*, B. Wang*, K-M. Lau*, J. Shukla*, V. Krishnamurthy*, S. D. Schubert*, D. E. Wailser*, W. F. Stern*, V. Satyan*, A. Kitoh, G. A. Meehl*, M. Kanamitsu*, V. Y. Galin*, A. Sumi*, G. Wu*, Y. Liu* and J. -K. Kim*: Intercomparison of atmospheric GCM simulated anomalies associated with the 1997/98 El Nino. Journal of Climate, 15, 2791-2805.

  19. Kinoshita, N.: Fabrication of the thermocouple micro psychrometers by the bonding cellulose method. Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics, 53, 85-90.

  20. Kitabatake, N.: Extratropical transformation of Typhoon Vicki(9807): Structural change and the role of upper-tropospheric disturbances. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 80, 229-247.

  21. Kitabatake,N.: Structure of an atypical midsummer tropical cyclone in the East China Sea and the environmental effects on it. Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics, Vol.53, No2, 59-73.

  22. Kitoh, A. and . Murakami: Tropical Pacific climate at the mid-holocene and the Last Glacial Maximum simulated by a coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model. Paleoceanography, 17(3), 19-119-13.

  23. Kitoh, A.: Effects of large-scale mountains on surface climate - a coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model study. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 80, 1165-1181.

  24. Kodera, K. and Y. Kuroda: Dynamical response on the solar cycle. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D24), 10.1029/2002JD002224.

  25. Kodera, K.: Solar cycle modulation of the North Atlantic Oscillation: Implication in the spatial structure of the NAO. Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 10.10292001GL014557.

  26. Kuroda, Y.: Relationship between the polar-night jet oscillation and the annular mode. Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 10.1029/2001GL013933.

  27. Kuroda, Y. and K. Kodera: Effect of Solar activity on the polar-night jet oscillation in the northern and southern hemisphere winter. Journal of the meteorological Society of Japan, 80, 973-984.

  28. Kuroki, H., H.M. Ito, and A. Yoshida : A three-dimensional simulation of crustal deformation accompanied by subduction in the Tokai region, central Japan. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 132, 39-58.

  29. Kurosaki, Y. and M. Mikami: Seasonal and Regional Characteristics of Dust Event in the Taklimakan Desert. Journal of Arid Land Studies, 114, 245-252.

  30. Kusunoki, K.: A preliminary survey of clear-air echo appearances over the Kanto Plain in Japan during July-December 1997. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 11, 1063-1072.

  31. Lamb, M. F. *, C. L. Sabine*, R. A. Feely*, R. Wanninkhof*, R. M. Key*, G. C. Johnson*, F. J. Millero*, K. Lee*, T. -H. Peng*, A. Kozyr*, J. L. Bullister*, D. Greeley*, R. H. Byrne*, D. W. Chipman*, A. G. Dickson*, C. Goyet*, P. R.  Guenther*, M. Ishii, K. M. Johnson*, C. D. Keeling*, T. Ono*, K. Shitashima*, B. Tilbrook*, T. Takahashi*, D. W. R. Wallace*, Y. W. Watanabe*, C. Winn* and C. S. Wong*: Consistency and synthesis of Pacific Ocean CO2 survey data. Deep-Sea Research II, 49, 21-58.

  32. Luo, Z., W. B. Rossow, T. Inoue and C. J. Stubenrauch: Did the eruption of the Mt.  Pinatubo volcano affect cirrus properties? Journal of Climate, 15, 2806-2820.

  33. Mabuchi, K., Y. Sato and H. Kida*: Verification of the Climatic Features of a Regional Climate Model with BAIM. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 80, 621-644.

  34. Masuda, K., H. Ishimoto and T. Takashima*: Dependence of the spectral aerosol optical thickness retrieval from space on measurement errors and model assumptions. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 23, 3835-3851.

  35. Masuda, K., H. Ishimoto and T. Takashima*: Retrieval of cirrus optical thickness and ice-shape information using total and polarized reflectance from satellite measurements. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, Vol. 75, 39-51.

  36. Masuda, K., Y. Mano, H. Ishimoto, M. Tokuno*, Y. Yoshizaki* and N. Okawara*: Assessment of the nonsphericity of mineral dust from geostationary satellite measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 82, 238-247

  37. Matsueda, H., S. Taguchi, H. Y. Inoue and M. Ishii: A large impact of tropical biomass burning on CO and CO2 in the upper troposphere. Science in China, Vol. 45 Supp, 116-125.

  38. Matsueda, H., H. Y. Inoue and M. Ishii: Aircraft observation of carbon dioxide at 8-13 km altitude over the western Pacific from 1993 to 1999. Tellus, 54B(1), 1-22.

  39. Michalsky, J.*, P. Kiedron*,J. Berndt *,T. Stoffel*,D. Myers*,I.  Reda*, J. Treadwell*, A. Andreas*, S. Asano*, A. Uchiyama, A. Yamazaki, M. Haeffelin*, T. Tooman*, R. McCoy*, A. Bucholtz*, B. C. Bush*, S. K. Pope*, A. S. Leitner* and F. P. J. Valero: Broadband shortwave calibration results from the atmospheric radiation measurement enhanced shortwave experiment II. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D16, 10.1029/2001JD001231.

  40. Midorikawa, T.*, T. Umeda*, N. Hiraishi*, K. Ogawa*, K. Nemoto*, N. Kubo* and M. Ishii: Estimation of seasonal net community production and air-sea CO2 flux based on the carbon budget above the temperature minimum layer in the western subarctic North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research I, 49, 339-362.

  41. Misumi, Y.: Distribution of precipitating clouds up to the meso-αscale in radar echo composite charts over Japan. Journal of the meteorological Society of Japan, 80, 1247-1259.

  42. Mouri, H. and M. Takaoka*: Wavelet analysis of vortex tubes in experimental turbulence. Physical Review E, 65, 0273021-0273024.

  43. Mouri, H., M. Takaoka*, A. Hori* and Y. Kawashima* : Probability density function of turbulent velocity fluctuations. Physical Review E, 65, 0563041-0563047.

  44. Murakami, K.*, H. Yonekura*, T. Yoshikawa*, Y. Dokiya*, K. . Hayashi*, Y. Suwa, Y. Igarashi and Y. Tsutsumi: Chemical Species in Aerosol at the Summit of Mt. Fuji during July 5-12, 1999. Journal of Field Science 1, 55-62.

  45. Nakamura, M. : Determination of focal mechanism solution using initial motion polarity of P and S waves. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 130, 17-29.

  46. Naoe, H, and Matsuda, Y. *: Rossby Wave Propagation and Blocking Formation in Realistic Basic Flows. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 80, 717-731.

  47. Okada, K. and M. Ikegami: A case study of local wind-blown dust observed in Tsukuba, Japan. Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics, Vol. 52, 9-18.

  48. Sasaki, H, N. Seino, J. Sato and M. Chiba: Development of a dispersion model for volcanic gas over Miyake Island. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 80, 279-1288.

  49. Shibazaki B.*, Y. Yoshida, M. Nakamura and H. Katao* : Rupture nucleations in the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake and its large aftershocks. Geophysical Journal International, 149, 572-588.

  50. Sugi, M.*, A. Noda and N. Sato*: Influence of the Global warming on tropical cyclone climatology:  An experiment with the JMA Global model. Journal of the meteorological Society of Japan, 80, 249-272.

  51. Sumi, A.* and T. Nakazawa: Satellite Monitoring for the Season-to-Interannual Climate Fluctuations . Korean Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 5, No. S, 13-28.

  52. Taguchi, S.* , K. Matsueda, H. Y. Inoue and Y. Sawa: Long-range transport of carbon monoxide from tropical ground to upper troposphere:  a case study for South East Asia in October 1997. Tellus, 54B, 22-40.

  53. Takano, I.: Analysis of an intense winter extra tropical cyclone that advanced along the south coast of Japan. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 80, 669-695.

  54. Takayama, H. and A. Yoshida : Temporal change of the vertical crustal movement on the western coast of Suruga Bay, central Japan. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 132, 21-38.

  55. Tanaka, A.* and Y. Ishikawa, : Temperature distribution and focal depth in the crust of the northeastern Japan. Earth Planets Space, 54, 1109-1113.

  56. Tanikawa, T. *, Te. Aoki and F. Nishio*: Remote sensing of snow grain size and impurities from Airborne Multiple-Spectral Scanner data using the snow bidirectinal reflectional reflectance distribution model. Annals of Glaciology, 34, 74-80.

  57. Uchida, N.* and T. Sakai : Analysis of peculiar volcanic earthquakes at Satsuma-Iojima volcano. Earth Planets Space, 54, 197-209.

  58. Wada, A.: The Processes of SST cooling by Typhoon Passage and Case Study of Typhoon Rex with a Mixed Layer Ocean Model. Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics, Vol. 52, 31-66.

  59. Xu, L. *, K. Okada, P. Zhang*, D. -Z. Zhang and G. -Y. Shi*: An observational study of physical and chemical characteristics of atmospheric aerosol particles from late spring to early autumn over the Beijing area. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 26,, 400-411.

  60. Yamada, Y., M. Mikami and H. Nagashima *: Dust Particle Measuring System for Streamwise Dust Flux. Journal of Arid Land Studies, Vol. 11, No. 4, 229-234.

  61. Zhu, J., M. Kamachi and D. Wang: Estimation of air-sea heat flux from ocean measurements : An ill-posed problem. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 107 C10, 3159, doi: 10.1029/2001JC000995.

  62. Zhu, J., M. Kamachi and G. Zhou: Nonsmooth optimization approach to VDA of models with on/off parameterizations: Theoretical issues. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 19, 405-424.

  63. Zhu, J., W. Hui and M. Kamachi: The improvement made by a modified TLM in 4DVAR with a geophysical boundary layer model. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 19, 563-582.

  64. 青木輝夫, 4: 航空機多色センサーAMSSの輝度校正. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 22, 299-305.

  65. 青木 元,吉田明夫 : 内陸地震活動の統計的性質. 地学雑誌, 111, 200-211.

  66. 青山道夫, 2: 塩化カリウム標準液のロット依存性−標準海水の初期オフセット成因について. 海洋調査技術, 141, 1-9

  67. 石川有三,高橋道夫*,石原和彦* : 韓国気象局地震観測データを用いた気象庁震源の改善と評価. 験震時報, 65, 154-157.

  68. 上野 寛*,森 博一*,碓井勇二*,宮村淳一*,吉川一光*,浜田信生 : 広域の地震観測網で捕らえられた平成12(2000)有珠山噴火開始前後の地震活動. 火山, 47, 689-694.

  69. 岡崎紀俊*,高橋浩晃*,笠原 稔*,石丸 聡*,森 済*,北川貞之*,藤原健治,中禮正明*:高密度GPS観測による2000年有珠山噴火の地殻変動. 火山, 47, 547-557

  70. 北畠尚子:2000911-12日の東海地方の豪雨に対する対流不安定と前線強化に伴う循環の役割. 気象研究所研究報告, 53,391-108.

  71. 鬼頭昭雄: ヒマラヤ・チベット山塊による気象システムへの影響. 月刊地球, 24, 310-315.

  72. 栗原和夫: エルニーニョ現象に関連する4.5年周期変動. グロースベッター, 40, 112-119.

  73. 小林昭夫,真砂}宏*,吉田明夫 : 1946年南海地震直前の浦神の潮位変化. 測地学会誌, 48, 1-12.

  74. 小林昭夫,真砂}宏*,吉田明夫,檜垣将和* : 1944年東南海地震前の潮位変化と当時の潮位資料. 験震時報, 65, 1-44.

  75. 小林昭夫,山本剛靖,畑中雄樹*,丸山一司*,竹中 潤*,緒方 誠* : GPS東海地域3時間解析値のグループ化と補正. 気象研究所研究報告, 53, 75-84.

  76. 小林昭夫,吉田明夫,真砂}宏* : 潮位記録から推定される1946年南海地震時およびその後の地殻変動. 測地学会誌, 48, 259-270.

  77. 坂井孝行, 7: 空振データから見た2000年有珠山の噴火活動. 火山, 47巻第4, 255-262.

  78. 高木朗充,西村裕一*,宮村淳一* : セオドライト観測による2000年有珠山噴火後の地殻変動. 火山, 47, 559-569.

  79. 高山博之,吉田明夫 : 2000年三宅島・神津島・新島付近の群発地震活動におけるb値の空間分布と時間変化. 地震2, 55, 295-300.

  80. 仲江川敏之, 楠昌司, 杉正人, 鬼頭昭雄, 小林ちあき, 高野清治: 全球大気モデルを用いた季節予報実験に基づく水資源量の予測精度と予測可能性. 水工学論文集, 46, 109-114.

  81. 中村雅基 : P波初動極性を用いた発震機構解の自動決定処理. 気象研究所研究報告, 52, 81-94.

  82. 中村雅基,吉田康宏,趙大鵬*,吉川一光*,高山博之,青木 元,黒木英州,山崎貴之*,笠原順三*,金沢敏彦*,佐藤利典*,塩原 肇*,島村英紀*,仲西理子* : 中部日本の3次元速度構造. 気象研究所研究報告, 53, 1-28.

  83. 萩野谷成徳: 1次元線熱源を備えた温度測定装置を用いた土壌の熱伝導率観測. 天気, 49, 763-772.

  84. 藤部文昭: 東京都心における高温日の湿度の経年変化. 天気, 496, 473-476.

  85. 藤部文昭, 3: 東京23区における夏季高温日午後の短時間強雨に先立つ地上風系の特徴. 天気, 495, 395-405.

  86. 藤原健治,田中圭介*,北川貞之*,潟山弘明*,松島 功*,内田直邦*,中禮正明*,徳永規一*,増成友宏* : 有珠山周辺に展開した準リアルタイムGPS観測システムについて. 火山, 47, 695-698.

  87. 山里 平*,宮村淳一*,森 博一*,碓井勇二*,佐久間喜代志*,渡辺精久*,佐藤十一*,高橋裕二*,坂井孝行 : 空振データから見た2000年有珠山の噴火活動. 火山, 47, 255-262.

  88. 吉田明夫, 青木 元: 大地震の前に日本海沿岸の広域に現れた地震活動の静穏化. 地学雑誌, 111, 212-221.

. Synthetic Paper

  1. Mabuchi, K., Y. Sato , H. Kida*: Climatic Features of MRI Regional Climate Model. 各種陸上生態系における炭素・水・熱フラックスの相互関係の微気象生態学的解析研究成果報告書, 55-59.

  2. 倉賀野 連, 杉本悟史*,吉岡典哉*,吉田 隆*,蒲地政文 : 高度計データと現場表層観測データを用いた太平洋表層水温・塩分の客観解析. 測候時報, 68巻第3-6号併号, 99-119.

  3. 馬淵和雄, 青木輝夫, 山内 恭*, 塩原匡貴*: 気候モデルを用いた雪氷圏−大気圏相互作用に関する研究, 国立極地研究所平成12年度共同研究報告書, 42-43.

. Book

  1. 青木忠生: 衛星センターによる対流圏微量分子の観測(調査事例). 地球環境調査計測事典 陸域編 竹内均監修, 1, 435-437.

  2. 石井雅男: 二酸化炭素ってどうなってるの?. はかってなんぼ 環境編, 37-52.

  3. 石川有三: 秋田沖地震はいつ発生するか.アエラムック「地震がわかる」, 18-21.

  4. 岡田菊夫: 個々の粒子の観察・分析:電子顕微鏡. 地球環境調査計測事典 陸域編竹内均監修, 1, 299-305.

  5. 廣瀬勝己: 続 身近な地球環境問題−酸性雨を考える−. 続 身近な地球環境問題 −酸性雨を考える−

  6. 馬淵和雄: 熱帯林の減少. 気候への影響. 環境ハンドブック, 476-479.

  7. 村上正隆: 人工気候制御. 気象の事典, 294-300.

  8. 村上正隆: 1編 4章 第1節 降雪の型. 地球環境調査計測事典 陸域編 竹内均監修, 1, 80-84.

  9. 村上正隆: 1編 4章 第8節 雪粒子の観測. 地球環境調査計測事典 陸域編 竹内均監修, 1, 110-115.

. Technical data

  1. Murakami, S., A. Kitoh, S. Yukimoto and A. Noda: An enhanced Atlantic thermohalnie circulation in a LGM simulation with the MRI-CGCM . CGER' supercomputer activity report, 9, 11-14.

  2. Murakami, S., A. Kitoh, S. Yukimoto and A. Noda: Simulation Study of the Last Glacial Inception with MRI-CGCM2Effects of Orbital Forcing. CGER' supercomputer activity report, 10, 13-21.

  3. Yukimoto, S. and A. Noda: Improvements of the Meteorological Research Institute Global Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled GCM(MRI-CGCM2)and its climate sensitivity. CGER' supercomputer activity report, 10, 37-44.

  4. 高木朗充: 溶岩ドームの成長及び山体変形.気象庁技術報告, 123, 173-221

  5. 高木朗充: 傾斜観測,気象庁技術報告. 123, 225-231

  6. 福井敬一: 雲仙岳溶岩の流出形態とその粘性.気象庁技術報告123221-224

  7. 室井ちあし, 吉村裕正, 保坂征宏, 杉 正人, 1: 標準コーディングルール. 天気, 491, 91-95.

  8. 山本哲也: 電気比抵抗観測.気象庁技術報告123296-301

. Educational and commentary paper

  1. Tsuyuki, T., R. Sasaki* and H. Mino: The WGNE intercomparison of typhoon track forecasts from operational global models for 1991-2000. WMO Bulletin, Vol. 51 No. 3, 253-257.

  2. 青木忠生,深堀正志,西澤誠冶*:環境問題と分光計測−IV.地球大気環境問題とリモートセンシング(1. 分光研究, 51, 186-193.

  3. 青木忠生,深堀正志,西澤誠冶*:環境問題と分光計測−IV.地球大気環境問題とリモートセンシング(2. 分光研究, 51, 310-316.

  4. 五十嵐康人: 環境放射能モニタリング. 第2版 地球環境ハンドブック, 1035.

  5. 石井正好*, 栗原和夫: Poisson 方程式の高速数値解法−PSOR法とマルチグリッド法の紹介−. 天気, 49, 597-606.

  6. 蒲地政文, 淡路敏之, 川村 宏, 小守信正, 倉賀野連: GODAE計画概要と観測船の役割. 月刊海洋, Vol. 34 No. 9, 624-636.

  7. 佐藤康雄: 地球温暖化−観測と予測の現状. 自然災害科学, 212, 92-98.

  8. 高薮 出: 大気の総観気象学. 気象の事典, 157-161.

  9. 露木 義: 気象庁の数値解析予報システムの更新. 気象年鑑, 2002年版, 115-122.

  10. 野田 彰: 温暖化のメカニズム. 環境ハンドブック, 359-364.

  11. 廣瀬勝己: 放射能汚染. 第2版 地球環境ハンドブック, 966.

  12. 廣瀬勝己, 1: 海洋における放射性核種測定とデータベースの構築. 水環境学会誌, 25, 202-205.

  13. 室井ちあし, 6: 4回非精力学モデリング短期数値予報国際ワークショップ参加報告. 天気, 493, 221-225.

  14. 森 一正, 1: 油追跡調査用漂流ブイについて. 測候時報, 69巻特別号, S79-S84.

. Other paper

  1. Igarashi, Y.: Approaches for Dust Transport by Using Resuspension of 90Sr and 137Cs. エアロゾル研究, 17(4), 252.

  2. Kitoh, A., M. Abe* and T. Yasunari*: Effect of mountain uplift on warm pool:  a study with the new MRI coupled GCM. CAS/JSC WGNE Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling, Report No. 32, WMO/TD-No. 1105, 7. 25-7. 26.

  3. Ueno, M. and J. Yoshimura: Impact of physical processes in a GCM on the frequency of tropical cyclones. CAS/JSC WGNE Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling, Report No. 32, WMO/TD-No. 1105, 4. 29-4. 30.

  4. Wada, A. and H. Mino: Implementation of the JMA typhoon model coupled with the MRI mixed layer ocean model and its application for Typhoon BILIS. CAS/JSC WGNE Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling, Report No. 32, WMO/TD-No. 1105, 9. 08-9. 09.

  5. Wada, A.: Improvement of SST prediction by diurnal cycling algorithm in the MRI mixed layer ocean model. CAS/JSC WGNE Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling, Report No. 32, WMO/TD-No. 1105, 8. 29-8. 30.

  6. 石川有三,大西一嘉*,高梨成子* : 中国の地殻活動観測網. 月刊地球, 24, 561-567.

  7. 石川有三 : 西南日本とアムールプレート. 月刊地球, 号外38, 20-30.

  8. 北畠尚子, 6: 気象教育研究連絡会「岐阜県地域気象教育プロジェクト」報告. 天気, 496, 503-507.

  9. 篠原宏志*,伊藤久夫*,福井敬一:雲仙火山平成新山噴火における脱ガス過程. 月刊地球, 24, 873-877

  10. 高木朗充 : GPS地殻変動データから伊豆半島のマグマだまりを探る. 月刊地球, 号外39, 83-90.

  11. 高梨成子*,大西一嘉*,石川有三 : 中国の地震防災対策. 月刊地球, 24, 531-533.

  12. 高梨成子*,石川有三,大西一嘉* : 中国の地震予知と対応. 月刊地球, 24, 568-575.

  13. 深堀正志:「大気分光学の応用に関する国際ワークショップ(ASA2002)」報告. 分光研究, 51, 234.

  14. 藤原健治,高木朗充,鵜川元雄*,酒井慎一* : 富士山周辺の地震活動―19952001. 月刊地球, 号外39, 57-63.

  15. 別所康太郎, 中澤哲夫, CATTエアロゾンデ観測グループ: 宮古島近海で台風を観測したラジコンヒコーキの話−運輸施設整備事業団(CATT)によるエアロゾンデ観測実験報告. 天気, 493, 251-257.

  16. 山本 哲, 4: 2回霧と霧水捕集に関する国際会議参加報告. 天気, 492, 151-159.

.Writing Associated with oral presentation(to be cited by other researchers as a contribution,but excluding in principle such simple one as included in some preprint volume for the meeting of a scientific Society) 

  1. Eito, H., T. Kato and M. Yshizaki: Structure and maintenance mechanism of the snowband on the southern coastal area of Sea of Japan on 16 January 2001. International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and Heavy Rainfall/Snowfall in East Asia, 427-430.

  2. Fukabori, M., Ta. Aoki, T. Yokota*, H. Nakajima*, Y. Sasano* and T. Watanabe*: Line strengths and half-widths in the 12C16O2 laser bands. CRL International Symposium on Light Propagation and Sensing Technologies for Future Applications Technical Digest, 87-88.

  3. Hayashi, S.* , M. Yoshizaki, T. Kato and CREST observation group: OBSERVATIONAL AND NUMERICAL STUDIES OF A POLAR LOW FORMED OVER THE JAPAN SEA ON 27 JANUARY 2001. International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and Heavy Rainfall/Snowfall in East Asia, 407-410.

  4. Igarashi, Y., M. Aoyama, K. Hirose, A. Wada and S. Yabuki*: Contribution of aeolian dust for the resuspension of the anthropogenic radioactivity. International Symposium on Transfer of Radionuclides in Biosphere - Prediction and Assessment -, 3-54.

  5. Kamachi, M., T. Awaji and F. Mitsudera: Japan-GODAE Network and North Pacific Intercomparison. Proceedings of the International Symposium En route to GODAE, 259-260.

  6. Kamachi, M., T. Kuragano, S. Minato, N. Yoshioka and S. Sugimoto: JMA operational ocean data assimilation system in the North Pacific:  COMPASS-K. Proceedings of the International Symposium En route to GODAE, 335-336.

  7. Kato, T., K. Bessho, T. Inoue, Y. Sato* and X-BAIU-01 observation group: The cause of failure of heavy rainfall simulation during X-BAIU-01 Importance of low-level humid profile for numerical simulation . International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and Heavy Rainfall/Snowfall in East Asia, 140-145.

  8. Kobayashi, T., K. Masuda and H. Ishimoto*: Enhanced visible radiance due to cloud adjacent to a clear-air fields of view in satellite measurements. Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation, 21-24.

  9. Kohno, N.: The effect of ocean waves to storm surges. Proceeding of the 6th Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference, Vol. 1, 393-398.

  10. Kondo, H.: General description of the TAR by the WG1. Proceedings of the Eleventh Asia-Pacific Seminar on Climate Change, 71-78.

  11. Kusunoki, K., K. Iwanami*, M. Maki*, P. SangGoon*, and R. Misumi*, WMO-01 Observation Group: A dual - Doppler analysis of the mesoscale snow bands under the winter monsoon Part I:  Band regeneration. International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and Heavy Rainfall/Snowfall in East Asia, 546-550.

  12. Kusunoki, K., M. Murakami, M. Hoshimoto, N. Orikasa, Y. Yamada*, H. Mizuno*, K. Hamazu* and H. Watanabe*: The characteristics and evolution of orographic snow clouds under weak cold advection. International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and Heavy Rainfall/Snowfall in East Asia, 206-211.

  13. Le Provost, C., M. Bell, E. Chassignet, J. Cummings, I. Fukumori, H. Hurlburt and M. Kamachi: Assessment and testing of GODAE products. Proceedings of the International Symposium En route to GODAE, 61-67.

  14. Murakami, M., M. Hoshimoto, N. Orikasa, H. Horie*, H. Okamoto*, H. Kuroiwa*, H. Minda* and K. Nakamura*: INNER STRUCTURES OF SNOW BANDS ASSOCIATED WITH THE JAPAN SEA POLAR-AIRMASS CONVERGENCE ZONE BASED ON AIRCRAFT OBSERVATIONS. International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and Heavy Rainfall/Snowfall in East Asia, 522-527.

  15. Murakami, M., N. Orikasa, M. Hoshimoto, H. Horie*,H. Okamoto*, H. Kuroiwa*, H. Minda*, K. Nakamura* and S. Nakai*: Inner structures of a polar low over the Japan Sea based on aircraft observation. Proceeding of 11th Conference on Cloud Physics, AMS, 1-6.

  16. Nakazawa, T.: TRMM and NSCAT/QuikSCAT application for tropical cyclones. Reports of The fifth WMO International Workshop on Tropical cyclones, WMO/TD-No. 1136, Topic 0. 2a

  17. Okada, K., Y. Makino*, M. Ikegami, Y. Zaizen, Y. Tsutsumi*, Y. Sawa, H. Matsueda, H. Yoshikawa*, J. B. Jensen*, J. L. Gras* and H. Harjanto*: Physico-chemical properties of aerosols originated from the 1997 Indonesian forest-fires. Indonesian Forest Fire and its Environmental Impacts, CGER-I049-2002, 15-22.

  18. Seino, N., H. Sasaki, J. Sato and M. Chiba: High-resolution Simulation of Flow and Dispersion of Volcanic SO2 over the Miyake Island. Proceedings of the 1st meeting of the International Environmental Modeling and Software Society, Vol. 2, 290-295.

  19. Seko, H. and H. Nakamura: Study of the shapes and maintenance mechanisms of meso-βscale line shaped precipitation in the middle-latitude. International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and Heavy Rainfall/Snowfall in East Asia, 315-320.

  20. Shoji, Y. and H. Seko, T. Iwabuchi* and H. Nakamura*: A case study of water vapor variation in a severe thunderstorm in Tokyo by using dense network of GPS. International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and Heavy Rainfall/Snowfall in East Asia, 279-280.

  21. Shoji, Y.: GPS as a high accuracy water vapor sensor-and its application to meteorology-. 信学技報, 2002-23, 27-32

  22. Takaya, Y. and M. Nakazato: Estimating errors in the velocities obtained by a multiple bistatic Doppler radar. Erad Publication Series, Vol. 1, 31-34.

  23. 石川有三 : 西南日本のテクトニクス. 京大防災研研究集会13K-7「フィリピン海スラブの沈み込みと島弧背弧の地球物理」, 208-214.

  24. 石川有三 : 山陰地方の地震活動と地震空白域. 京大防災研研究集会13K-4「地震発生準備過程の物理と観測 −最近の成果と今後の課題−」

  25. 石川有三 : 西南日本弧の謎. 京大防災研研究集会13G-2「官民学の会」, 95-101.

  26. 石川有三 : 日本海東縁の地震活動から見た歪み集中帯. 大竹・平・太田編, 日本海東縁の活断層と地震テクトニクス, 東京大学出版会, 151-165.

  27. 石川有三 : 南関東のテクトニクスに関するコメント,地震研究所共同利用・研究集会2002-W-01)「関東周辺地域の地殻構造と強震動予測」(代表者:笠原敬司)-大都市圏地殻構造調査研究計画検討シンポジウム-, 52.

  28. 永戸久喜, 加藤輝之, 吉崎正憲, WMO-01観測グループ: 2001116日に新潟県上越地方沿岸に大雪をもたらした降雪システムの数値シミュレーション. 2001年度日本気象学会九州支部発表会講演要旨集, 23, 38-39.

  29. 鬼頭昭雄, 1: 統計的ダウンスケーリング手法による温暖化時の夏季東アジア域の降水量予測. 6回水資源に関するシンポジウム論文集, 489-494.

  30. 鬼頭昭雄, 4: 年降水量の年々変動度の長期的増加傾向− 第2次モーメント(分散)の変動の検出. 6回水資源に関するシンポジウム論文集, 555-560.

  31. 鬼頭昭雄: 科振費「21世紀のアジアの水資源変動予測」について. 6回水資源に関するシンポジウム論文集, 495-500.

  32. 黒木英州,伊藤秀美,吉田明夫 : 東海地域の地殻変動シミュレーション. 学術シンポジウム「2001年東海スロースリップ」報告書

  33. 近藤洋輝: IPCC第三次評価報告書(科学的基礎)の概要〜観測・再現実験に基づいた気象変化予測〜. 気候影響・利用研究会会報, 20, 5-16.

  34. 中澤哲夫: 宇宙からみた台風・エルニーニョ. サイエンス・フロンティアつくば2002報告集, 34.

  35. 花房龍男*, 小林隆久, 飯坂 崇*: WINDASと風観測. 風工学シンポジウム論文集, 1-6.

  36. 深堀正志, 青木忠生, 1: ILAS-IIのチャンネル2領域におけるCH4N2O及びCO2の吸収線パラメータ. 12回大気化学シンポジウム研究集会講演集, 259-262.

  37. 保坂征宏, 仲江川敏之, 鬼頭昭雄: 気象研全球モデルにおける水循環とその気候感度. 6回水資源に関するシンポジウム論文集, 561-564.

  38. 馬淵和雄, 佐藤康雄, 木田秀次*: アジア域熱帯植生の変動が気候に与える影響に関する数値実験. IGBP/GAIM通信, No. 24, 6.

  39. 村上正隆, 折笠成宏, 楠研一, 3: 水資源確保を目的とした人工降雪技術の現状, 6回水資源に関するシンポジウム論文集, 575-580.

  40. 吉崎正憲, 加藤輝之, 室井ちあし, 永戸久喜, 林 修吾, 斎藤和雄: 梅雨期の東シナ海・九州および冬季の日本海における観測的研究. 2001年度日本気象学会九州支部発表会講演要旨集, 23, 30-35.


Supplement for 2000

. Original Paper

  1. Davey, M. K.* , M. Huddleston*, K. R. Sperber*, P. Braconnot*, F. Bryan*, D. Chen*, R. A. Colman*, C. Cooper*, U. Cubasch*, P. Delecluse*, D. DeWitt*, L. Fairhead*, G. Flato*, C. Gordon*, T. Hogan*, M. Ji*, M. Kimoto*, A. Kitoh, T. R. Knutson*, M. Latif*, H. LeTreut*, T. Li*, S. Manabe*, C. R. Mechoso*, G. A. Meehl*, S. B. Power*, E. Roeckner*, J. Sirven*, L. Terray*, A. Vintzileos*, R. Voss*, B. Wang*, W. M. Washington*, I. Yoshikawa*, J. -Y. Yu*, S. Yukimoto and S. E. Zebiak*: STOIC:  a study of coupled model climatology and variability in tropical ocean regions, Climate Dynamics,  18, 403-420.

Supplement for 2001

. Original Paper

  1. Dokiya, Y.*, T. Yoshikawa*, T. Komada*, I. Suzuki*, A. Naemura*, K. Hayashi*, H. Naoe, Y. Sawa, T. Sekiyama and Y. Igarashi: Atmospheric Chemistry at the Summit of Mt. Fuji: A Challenging Field for Analytical Chemists. Analytical Sciences, Vol. 17, 809.

  2. Hino, R.* , Y. Tanioka, T. Kanazawa*, S. Sakai*, M. Nishino* and K. Suyehiro*: Micro-tsunami from a local interplate earthquake detected by cabled offshore tsunami observation in northeastern Japan. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 3533-3536.

  3. Hori, M., Te. Aoki, K. Stamnes*, B. Chen* and W. Li*: Preliminary validation of the GLI algorithms for retrieving geophysical parameters in the cryosphere with MODIS data. Polar Meteorology and Glaciology, 15, 1-20.

  4. Igarashi, Y., M. Aoyama, K. Nemoto, K. Hirose, T. Miyao*, K. Fushimi*, M. Suzuki*, S. Yasui*, Y. Asai*, I. Aoki*, K. Fujii*, S. Yamamoto*, H. Sartorius* and W. Weiss*: 85Kr Measurement system for continuous monitoring at the Meteorological Research Institute, Japan. Journal of Environmental monitoring, 3, 688-696.

  5. Kamachi, K., T. kuragano, N. Yoshioka*, J. Zhu* and F. Uboldi*: Assimilation of Satellite Altimetry into a Western North Pacific Operation a Model. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 18, 767-786.

  6. Kuroda, Y. and K. Kodera: Variability of the polar night jet in the northern and southern hemispheres, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 106, No. D18, 20, 703-20, 713.

  7. Kusunoki, S.* , M. Sugi, A. Kitoh, C. Kobayashi and K. Takano: Atmospheric Seasonal predictability Experiments by the JMA AGCM. Journal of the meteorological Society of Japan, 79, 1183-1206.

  8. Latif, M. *, K. Sperber*, J. Arblaster*, P. Braconnot*, D. Chen*, A. Colman*, U. Cubasch*, C. Cooper*, P. Delecluse*, D. DeWitt*, L. Fairhead*, G. Flato*, T. Hogan*, M. Ji*, M. Kimoto*, A. Kitoh, T. Knutson*, H. LeTreut*, T. Li*, S. Manabe*, O. Marti*, C. Mechoso*, G. Meehl*, S. Power*, E. Roeckner*, J. Sirven*, L. Terray*, A. Vintzileos*, R. Voss*, B. Wang*, W. Washington*, I. Yoshikawa*, J. Yu* and S. Zebiak*: ENSIP: the El Nino simulation intercomparison project. Climate Dynamics, 18, 255-276.

  9. 谷岡勇市郎: 津波波形から推定された1944年東南海地震及び1946年南海地震のすべり量分布の解釈. 地学雑誌, 110, 491-497.

. Synthetic Paper

  1. 馬淵和雄, 鬼頭昭雄: 熱帯林の変動及びその影響に関する評価研究 熱帯林の変動による地球規模の気候へのインパクト評価・予測に関する研究. 熱帯林の変動とその影響等に関する観測研究 最終研究成果報告書, 129-136.

  2. 森 一正: 西部太平洋赤道域におけるメソ対流システム(MCS)と台風発生過程の研究. 測候時報, 69巻特別号, S27-S51.

  3. 吉崎正憲: メソ対流系の構造と発生・発達のメカニズムの解明. 2回領域シンポジウム要旨集, 2-10.

  4. 吉崎正憲: 東シナ海・九州における梅雨観測. 測候時報, 68巻特別号, S53-S60.

. Other paper

  1. 谷岡勇市郎, 1: 構造探査結果から推定したフィリピン海プレートの形状と1946年南海地震のすべり量分布. 月刊地球, 23, 697-702.

.Writing Associated with oral presentation(to be cited by other researchers as a contribution, but excluding in principle such simple one as included in some preprint volume for the meeting of a scientific Society)

  1. Aoki, Te., Ta. Aoki and M. Fukabori,: Effect of the atmospheric aerosols on bidirectional reflectance of snow surface at the visible and near infrared wavelengths. IRS 2000: Current problems in atmospheric radiation, W. L. Smith and Y. M. Timofeyev (Eds), 353-356.

  2. Eito, H., T. Kato and M. Yoshizaki: Numerical simulation of heavy snowfall systems observed on the southern coastal area of Sea of Japan on 16 January 2001. International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon in East Asia, 454-456.

  3. Mabuchi, K. and Y. Sato: Climatic  Features of MRI Regional Climate Model, Regional Climate Model Inter-Comparison for ASIA. Proceedings of Workshop of APN project#2001-05, 31-35.

  4. Nakazawa, T.: A simple diagnosis method of moisture profile from TMI/TPW. Proceeding of the 11th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 460-461.

  5. Yoshizaki, M., T. Kato, H. Eito, M. Murakami, S. Hayashi and WMO-01group: A report on a field experiment "Winter MCSs (mesoscale convective systems) Observations over the Japan Sea in January 2001(WMO-01)". International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon in East Asia, 370-373.

  6. 石川一郎: 高解像度モデルによる北太平洋のシミュレーション. 月刊海洋, 33, 625-628.

  7. 永戸久喜, 加藤輝之, 吉崎正憲, WMO-01観測グループ: 2001116日に新潟県上越地方沿岸に大雪をもたらした降雪システムの数値シミュレーション. 2001年夏の研究集会「豪雨・豪雪をもたらす気象擾乱」戦略的基礎研究メンバー報告, 73-74.

  8. 加藤輝之: 梅雨期に豪雨をもたらす線状メソ対流系. 2001年夏の研究集会「豪雨・豪雪をもたらす気象擾乱」戦略的基礎研究メンバー報告, 105-112.

  9. 吉崎正憲: 戦略的基礎研究「メソ対流系の構造と発生・発達のメカニズムの解明」で何を目指すか? 2001年夏の研究集会「豪雨・豪雪をもたらす気象擾乱」戦略的基礎研究メンバー報告, 1-8.

  10. 吉崎正憲, 加藤輝之, 永戸久喜: 冬季日本海メソ対流系観測−2001(WMO-01)の解析−概況、熱・水収支.事例解析, 2001年夏の研究集会「豪雨・豪雪をもたらす気象擾乱」戦略的基礎研究メンバー報告, 79-85.

  11. 吉崎正憲, 加藤輝之, 永戸久喜, 足立アホロ, 村上正隆, 林 修吾, WMO-01観測グループ: 「冬季日本海メソ対流系観測−2001(WMO-01)」の速報. 天気, 4812, 33-43.